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Suck weekend


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Sweet weekend, right? Amazing weather, avy conditions are great, etc. So stoked.


And then my wife and I get into an argument on Friday night, resulting in me losing my hall pass. Happens -- nuff said. Anyway, we make up and I manage to get the OK to leave on Sunday -- which turns out to look like the better day anyway. The wife and I make up, etc. So everything works out, right? Phew.


Saturday night, my wife's sister calls and says she's in labor. So now, I can't go out cause I'll have to watch the kids. Which sucks, but I can't really be pissed off about that, right? Oh well, I guess I gotta suck it up, she's having a baby.


Except now it's Sunday morning, too late to really do/go anywhere, and now it looks like maybe the wife's sister is not in labor after all. Oops.


Weak. :tdown:

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could have been worse, ....internet could have been down and you would not have been able to whiiiine about it here.


p.s. yesterday was epic. I'll get back to you later about to today. ha!





congrats on the pending clan addition tho.


hot tip: weekday hooky!




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Sweet weekend, right? Amazing weather, avy conditions are great, etc. So stoked.


And then my wife and I get into a huge argument on Friday night, resulting in me losing my hall pass. 'Nuff said. However, I manage to recover and get the OK to leave on Sunday -- which turns out to look like the better day anyway. The wife and I make up, etc. So everything works out, right? Phew.


Saturday night, my wife's sister calls and says she's in labor. So now, I can't go out cause I'll have to watch the kids. Which sucks, but I can't really be pissed off about that, right? Oh well, I guess I gotta suck it up, she's having a baby.


Except now it's Sunday morning, too late to really do/go anywhere, and now it looks like maybe the wife's sister is not in labor after all. Oops.


Weak. :tdown:


Such is life! I want nothing more than to go climbing today, but I am married with children!

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And then my wife and I get into a huge argument on Friday night, resulting in me losing my hall pass.


Just before I got married, a wise friend advised me, "The sooner you lose the argument, the sooner she is happy, the sooner you get to go golfing." I later spent some time around him and his spouse. The guy was totally hen-pecked. After their kids moved out, they moved into a smaller home in which all of the furniture she had acquired would not fit. The solution? Put the furniture in the garage....but first they had to make space in the garage. The solution? Give up all of his power tools. He gave me a band saw for helping him move. I feel sorry for the guy. He's got a heart of gold and she just takes advantage of it.

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i don't argue with women. women are always right and that's ok with me. i leave the house when this occurs and come back after she cools down. then she realizes that she is the only one arguing and at that moment she is wrong and right( this confuses and sedates). i am neither wrong or right, just a whiping post with leg's aride and a checkbook. sometimes when i don't feel like leaving, i sit her down and give her a good listening to.women are crazy and that is the bottom line. good luck and grow a nutsack while your at it.






Edited by pink
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Yep, big letdown. Was supposed to do something on Hood; telemetry said at Silcox was gusts up to 60mph. Stayed home. Last time I do that! Next time I'll go have a look for myself.


What a nice day up there, today. I'm sure some people did have a nice time up there (especially three guys who did the SHW that I ran into).



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1- someone broke into my house.

2- stole a Sweet 16 guage belguim shot gun i inherited.(1938 editon)

3- No one seen a thing.

4- they let my dog out in the process and i cant find it.



Can it get any worse?


Yes. You could be pregnaunt and be a virgin!! :wazup:

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1- someone broke into my house.

2- stole a Sweet 16 guage belguim shot gun i inherited.(1938 editon)

3- No one seen a thing.

4- they let my dog out in the process and i cant find it.

Can it get any worse?


If your dog was a Lab, maybe they took it and your shotgun for the last weekend of the duck season.


Sorry about loosing your dog and your sweet Browning.

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I suppose they could have shot your dog with your antique shotgun, that would have been worse.


But yes, that is definitely a SUCK WEEKEND. I hope you find your dog and they get picked up for a traffic stop and you get your gun back, or, better yet, they check into a hospital with a self-inflicted minor shotgun wound and get nailed when they try to explain it.

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Nice post bill....you get out this weekend, the last for six months....what a shame.


I've sort of gotten out here or there. I have a 16 year old who's on the snowboard team. I got a Meadows season pass so we can hang together and he takes me for runs on the snow much like a labrador going after a stick or a ball.


You know: gettheball gettheball gettheball gettheball gettheball gettheball gettheball gettheball. It goes like that till I'm panting, weak kneed and begging to stop.


Except Sat. it was Ujahn doing it and my boy was up with a buddy. Then we quit early and Ujahn wanted to go climbing, so we head to Beacon, see the wind (and Jim and JH's cars and one other in the lot), figured that Skamania Lodge would be warmer cause they have a roaring fire and it didn't hurt that they have beer and food and we were hungry. Made the mistake of drinking the beer. Headed back and couldn't get out of the warm car in the parking lot. Great listening to the loud wind howling noises outside the vehical though. Met a couple of other CC.comers elsewhere and said hi to them too.


We justified not climbing by saying we weren't going to climb cause of the weather (but I know you guys would be sending). Actually I think it was cause I was exausted. I figured that out when I went home at 2pm, took a bath, sat in front of the TV and was fast asleep in 2 min.....for 2 hours.


Woke up with a dog on my lap that evidently despite the fact that it had been barking on and off the whole time (according to family members), I hadn't heard it at all.


Damn that Ujahn can ski good. Unbeliveably fast too. So don't bet him any money and race him.


Anywhooo: Sunday was race day and I had to be there for that. So I've been going up the mountain in my free time. Springtime is typically Meadows - then Pete's. We almost stopped at Pete's and there was ZERO wind Saturday: Zero. Except for a foot and a half of snow on the deck and a few patches of ice still on the rock, it would have been the best place to be once the sun hit it at @ 1pm.


It really was a great weekend.


Good to see you guys getting some rock in despite the high winds and cold.

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