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one-day adventure suggestions please


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Is the Sulphide Glacier route reasonable to do solo this time of year?


Yeah, I think so. The crevasses should be pretty obvious this time of year, and the route takes a pretty straightforward line up the glacier where there are only a few crevasses.

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i want a good long one-day adventure

that's not too adventurous in the sense that i prefer something with a fairly straightforward approach.

nice scenery? big mountains with snow is a plus.

semi-"technical" - to 5.6 or so but no raps so i can go ropeless.

<3-hour drive to trailhead.


any suggestions?


ahahahahaha...goin' nutz already, i see!! evils3d.gif

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west ridge of stuart (long day)

east buttress of big snow (nice rock, 5.7)

ne ridge of keyes (great area)

west ridge of prusik (5.7, downclimb route)


sulphide is fine if one sticks to the left hand side of the glacier (climber's left). the only potentially tricky spot is around the shrund below the summit pyramid. although conditions may vary.

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I just did Vesper a couple of weekends ago. It was really nice. The approach fairly straight forward, a small glacier to get to the base, I didn't need crampons, they do make it easier though, little funky getting on to the rock, fairly mellow once you get on the rock. It is a walk off once you get to the top. Check Nelsons guide for good info on the route and approach.

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If you do Sulphide on Shuksan, finish up via the Southeast Ridge rather than the Central gully on the pinnacle. This way you get far better scrambling over good rock and don't have to worry about other parties clogging up the gully. You can downclimb the route (4th with may be a couple 5th short moves) or downclimb the gully.

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The N. Peak on Index is around 1500' of "technical" ground. I think Beckey's route description is the most accurate. Just follow the big nests of tat, my broken ego and old trusty rusty ring angles. fruit.gif


The traverse route goes up the N. Face of the N. Peak, over the Middle peak and up to the summit of the Main peak. Descend via the East "walk up" route. I haven't done the traverse route. Collin did it in a day last year, you might shoot him an email. thumbs_up.gif

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Mount Index is cool if you are enamored with Mount Index (and many of us are, having driven by it and admired it so many times); otherwise I think there are better outings around. The North Face is certainly doable, but I'd want to bring a rappel rope and the first pitch on the Middle Peak, climbing out of the notch from the North, is more than most of us would want to solo. I think it's rated 5.7, but it'll get your attention! The full traverse (North-Middle-Main) is a big outing. (1 1/2 hours driving)


The West Ridge of N. Twin is a very enjoyable scramble on excellent rock, with no glacier travel but an alpine feel about it. (four or five miles on logging road for an approach, though). (3 hours driving)


The Sulphide on Shuksan is a great suggestion for a mellow glaciated climb that most of us would feel OK about doing without a rope, but there certainly ARE crevasses on the route (I've skied it in the fog in October, though, so they aren't that bad). (3+ hours driving?)


Mount Ruth is another mellow glacier climb. (3+ hours driving?)


For a mellow rock solo, Ingalls S. Ridge is excellent. (3- hours driving)


S. Early Winter Spire via the S. Ridge is a good rock scramble with a single 5.7 move that isn't too scary. (3 hours driving)

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Greg, maybe I'm getting my wires crossed, but I seem to recall doing the S. Ridge of Ingalls last year and apart from it being quite long, there was tons of exposure and one 5.7 crux move that I would definitely not like to fall on. Then again, maybe it was the SE Ridge??


Also, where would one downclimb? I rapped off the S. face and I can't imagine downclimbing it.


Am I getting my orientation all mixed up here?

You could always do Ingalls S. Ridge. It'd be a fairly simple downclimb off
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