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erik said:


there are two sides to every story and BOTH are right. so when you approach someone debate them converse or whatever you should actually be ready to listen 1st and then speak after thought and not voice your "correct" ideas.




there are two sides to every thing and the truth lies somewhere in between them.

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catbirdseat said:

Women think a silent man must be full of complex thoughts.


i used to think this. i kept asking him, "what are you thinking?" and he would always say, "nothing." at first i thought he just didn't want to tell me (for whatever reason) ... and then one day it finally hit me -- that he was actually not thinking about a god-damned thing! it was difficult for me to fathom, but it was real eye-opener.

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kitten said:

RuMR said:

Hey Kitten!!


Have you gotten your daughter out cragging yet??

Yep yep yep - went and sorched ourselves by Classic Crack this weekend. She was a trooper! thumbs_up.gif

She scetched out at about 15 feet, so we backed off.

I didn't want to push her. smirk.gif

The next day, I asked if she wanted to go again. She said "yeah, I'll go climbing with you tomorrow".

SHE rockband.gif


THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!! I'm hittin' squamish this weekend with my oldest....


We should have a family climb w/ other cc'ers that have kids!!!

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I am married so I aint hitting on you. I am trying to follow you, but I am confused.


If I was ugly, what do I have to do to get into bed with you?


If I was gorgeous, what do I have to do to get into bed with you?


Now don't give me that crap about it doesn't matter what you look like, because my wife has a lot of single girlfriends. They are all looking for prince charming, but when I show them pictures, they say , "No thanks, I don't think so." In addition, single women did turn me down when I asked them to dance at clubs. Why the fuck would you go to a dance club and NOT dance?


So tell me. How can I get you to my home?

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erik said:

i also find it laughable how everyone throws around all these conjectures to what men and women do and know..


i see, smell, hear etc..... everything....


i always have something to say to every thing i have ever encountered. wheter it be prudent at the time or not, is up to me to decided.


sometimes it is easier to allow the other person think that they are right/smarter or whatever to appease the situation.


if you are dumb enough to think that this is complacency then you are the one with the issue.


men are not dogs anymore then women are.


attemtping to keyhole a person into a sterotype on an intimate level is what creates the issue.


there are two sides to every story and BOTH are right. so when you approach someone debate them converse or whatever you should actually be ready to listen 1st and then speak after thought and not voice your "correct" ideas.


compromise is the only way to succed in a situation that involves two morons!!!!



I never said women weren't dogs as well - we are all Bitches at some time or another.

So how do we all live together and get along. Compromise? thumbs_up.gif Yep you're right. But both parties have to want to do the work and make the sacrifices. madgo_ron.gif It is never a one way street in a relationship. I should know! cry.gif

It is a little humorous to see how men and women view eachother. No wonder there is so much damn miscommunication. wazzup.gif

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Stefan said:



I am married so I aint hitting on you. I am trying to follow you, but I am confused.


If I was ugly, what do I have to do to get into bed with you?


If I was gorgeous, what do I have to do to get into bed with you?


Now don't give me that crap about it doesn't matter what you look like, because my wife has a lot of single girlfriends. They are all looking for prince charming, but when I show them pictures, they say , "No thanks, I don't think so." In addition, single women did turn me down when I asked them to dance at clubs. Why the fuck would you go to a dance club and NOT dance?


So tell me. How can I get you to my home?


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i answer "nothing" to the questions "what are you thinking about"


cuz if i wanted to fucking tell you, i would. some thoughts are private. some thoughts are only meant for one person or one situtation.


i think it is selfish of a person to think they have to know what their significant other is thinking all the time. cuz i would bet a nickle that your asking the questions stems from your issues and not theirs.



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erik said:

i dont attempt to find the truth in what people are saying




is there any truth?? or just personal interpetations.....


well that's the point silly...personal interpretations color everything. we never really see the truth. thus we must learn to listen and compromise.

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minx said:

erik said:

i dont attempt to find the truth in what people are saying




is there any truth?? or just personal interpetations.....


well that's the point silly...personal interpretations color everything. we never really see the truth. thus we must learn to listen and compromise.


um thanks for clarifying what i already had clarified.



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i hear there is a web site where you can order fake bank reciepts with huge balances. So order some of these and when you give some gurl yur digits, pretend like this is the only scrap of paper you could find and scribble your name and #. if you are looking for a life parter this is not a great technique but if you are just looking for some smileysex5.gif then....

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erik said:

minx said:

erik said:

i dont attempt to find the truth in what people are saying




is there any truth?? or just personal interpetations.....


well that's the point silly...personal interpretations color everything. we never really see the truth. thus we must learn to listen and compromise.


um thanks for clarifying what i already had clarified.



yeah...bite me

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Stefan said:

If I was ugly, what do I have to do to get into bed with you?


If I was gorgeous, what do I have to do to get into bed with you?


Now don't give me that crap about it doesn't matter what you look like, because my wife has a lot of single girlfriends. They are all looking for prince charming, but when I show them pictures, they say , "No thanks, I don't think so." In addition, single women did turn me down when I asked them to dance at clubs. Why the fuck would you go to a dance club and NOT dance?


i'm not going to give you any crap; i'm going to tell you straight up. it does f'ing matter. not to every woman out there, but to me, yes. let me start off by telling you that when i go to a club i go to dance ... but i would rather dance by myself than dance with some guy i'm not interested in. dancing with someone is almost like having sex with them. (unless they're a friend, which is a whole different scenario, and i assume we're talking strangers here.) if you're gorgeous, all you have to do is make a move. hell, if you're gorgeous chances are i will make the move on you. i'm personally not afraid to go after what i want -- if i want it bad enough. if you're "ugly" ... well that's where things get complicated. ugly strangers basically have no chance. none. zip. nada. sorry, charlie; it just ain't gonna happen. if you're an "ugly" friend, you've got a chance. timing has a lot to do with it, and lots of things come into play as to whether anything will ever happen and whether it will a one-time gig or a f'-buddy situation. i won't go into details, but i hope that helps.

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Interesting thread. I think it's fair to say that relationships by their very definition have evolved dramatically in the last 50 or so years. So much so, to the point where we obsess about them and are encouraged to obsess about them.


Let's face it, people justify intellectually, and buy emotionally. Magazines, product placements and TV all pander to one's emotions and what stronger emotion to cater to than the wealth of them tied up your intimate relationships?


The problem though, is that it has made amateur psychologists out of most us, and bad ones at that. Relationships are for the most part pretty simple. They're based upon not much more than respect, trust, and love. Bearing those three things in mind should be enough to help any couple navigate the potential pitfalls.


The tricky part I suppose is finding the person with whom things really are that damned simple. Life and love seem so much clearer then.


Seek simplicity and love you will find. Wait a minute? Did that really just come from my keyboard? WTF???

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thelawgoddess said:

Stefan said:

If I was ugly, what do I have to do to get into bed with you?


If I was gorgeous, what do I have to do to get into bed with you?


Now don't give me that crap about it doesn't matter what you look like, because my wife has a lot of single girlfriends. They are all looking for prince charming, but when I show them pictures, they say , "No thanks, I don't think so." In addition, single women did turn me down when I asked them to dance at clubs. Why the fuck would you go to a dance club and NOT dance?


i'm not going to give you any crap; i'm going to tell you straight up. it does f'ing matter. not to every woman out there, but to me, yes. let me start off by telling you that when i go to a club i go to dance ... but i would rather dance by myself than dance with some guy i'm not interested in. dancing with someone is almost like having sex with them. (unless they're a friend, which is a whole different scenario, and i assume we're talking strangers here.) if you're gorgeous, all you have to do is make a move. hell, if you're gorgeous chances are i will make the move on you. i'm personally not afraid to go after what i want -- if i want it bad enough. if you're "ugly" ... well that's where things get complicated. ugly strangers basically have no chance. none. zip. nada. sorry, charlie; it just ain't gonna happen. if you're an "ugly" friend, you've got a chance. timing has a lot to do with it, and lots of things come into play as to whether anything will ever happen and whether it will a one-time gig or a f'-buddy situation. i won't go into details, but i hope that helps.


OMFG!!! BLACK AND WHITE!!!!!!!! i don't believe my eyes!! Who's using TLG's account????????

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JGowans said:

Interesting thread. I think it's fair to say that relationships by their very definition have evolved dramatically in the last 50 or so years. So much so, to the point where we obsess about them and are encouraged to obsess about them.


Let's face it, people justify intellectually, and buy emotionally. Magazines, product placements and TV all pander to one's emotions and what stronger emotion to cater to than the wealth of them tied up your intimate relationships?


The problem though, is that it has made amateur psychologists out of most us, and bad ones at that. Relationships are for the most part pretty simple. They're based upon not much more than respect, trust, and love. Bearing those three things in mind should be enough to help any couple navigate the potential pitfalls.


The tricky part I suppose is finding the person with whom things really are that damned simple. Life and love seem so much clearer then.


Seek simplicity and love you will find. Wait a minute? Did that really just come from my keyboard? WTF???




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