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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. AlpineK

    Cascadia WTF?

    Ha, I just watched that movie last night.
  2. 1978
  3. I'm not sure it's really that bad. I eat meat somebody else killed all the time. How is it any worse than what goes on in a slaughter house? The guy owns the ranch, so it's not like you're shooting some rare endangered species. You've gotta get a hunting license too. As long as the dead animals don't get wasted then what's the big deal?
  4. What about climbing the stairs???
  5. Sorry wrong birthday...but next month he'll be old like the rest of us.
  6. I wouldn't be too quick to defend Boeing these days Fairweather. They're mired in controversy, and according to what I hear the attitude of engineering teams suck compaired to the old days. In the old days Boeing was all about the product; these days they're all about boosting the price of their stock.
  7. You don't have much to say about the inverted curve (I think) between long term and short term interest rates Peter. Allen Greenspan called it troubling, and the present conditions have been a precurrsor of recessions in all of the last recessions. Plus I hear the price of oil is going way up in the near future.
  8. Not at all. They still are rebuilding even though they aren't on the front page.
  9. Even if it was DPS isn't nearly nasty enough to tangle with the crew I was with. Unless we were already fighting amongst ourselves.
  10. That pin has been there for 20 years. It's not as good as when it was first placed; I wouldn't want to fall on it. At this point placing a bolt next to it may be an option to consider.
  11. You weren't the only all male group climbing, as I was there with CJZ, Rat, and TFM. In fact 2 of us were sitting on the tailgate and the other 2 sitting on packs on the side of the road below Cocain Crack Saturday afternoon. Were you the freek who yelled, "Heyyy," at CJZ? I believe we were watching some climber on the buttress above and talking about our plans for the evening. We climbed a bunch of stuff on Icicle buttress and JY crag this weekend. It sounds like you and Dr. Don did a bunch of driving shopping and shitting.
  12. I forgot he was on the FA of D1. That route is fucking steep. Bob Kamps.
  13. ^BUMP^ That side of the valley is snowy and cold, but all the south facing crags are ready to rock.
  14. Rat found a tick crawling on his jacket yesterday in the Icicle.
  15. Shit man you could have hung out with the Turtles, and watched us beat Rat down to celebrate the big 4...0
  16. In the first place I'm not a member, so I can't look at a membership statement. Secondly REI is a cooperative. There was an article I read somewhere back a few months ago that detailed what generally happens to cooperatives. All of them get founded for altruistic reasons, but at some point in their development human nature and greed takes over. REI is a typical cooperative. The bottom line is you might be technically right, but in the real world you and every other member of REI have been fucked, and there ain't much you can do about it. I recommend getting over it and shopping somewhere else. Somewhere that's straight up about telling you that they're in business to make money...it's the American way.
  17. AlpineK


    Looks like excellent early spring conditions.
  18. AlpineK


    I figure the way things are leafing out and growing we're about a month to 6 weeks ahead of schedule. By this logic winter ended between February 7th and the 21st.
  19. Sucker. You don't own stock. You've got a membership. If you wanted to buy stock you should have invested in a real corporation
  20. Bad Cover: 21st Century Schizoid Man by April Wine
  21. Good Cover. Tomorrow Never Knows by 801/Brian Eno.
  22. That Pope he's a real wild one; nudge, nudge, wink, wink, you know what I mean...
  23. Yeah the whole thing in Lebanon is a good thing... so far. I'm sure the elections in Iraq were a good example for others in the middle east, but that's not the only thing that's happened recently. Palistinians had an election recently, and while the US gave them some aid, they did it on their own. Also you've got to consider the protests and election in the Ukraine. You've got to wait a few years to do a historical study of all the factors. If you want to look at something historical try Iran. Iran had a decent government, but we didn't like them, so got the Shaw put into power there. By doing that we created the seeds of the Iranian revolution. In the long run our intervention turned out poorly. You can look at other examples like what Eisenhower did in the Congo in the 50s. With so many US interventions turning out poorly I think it's way too soon to give much credit to anyone. Time will tell.
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