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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. I don't see what the difference between the two is?
  2. Kevbone - how'd your mountain climbing of a cascade peak go?
  3. No I think he just has a problem.
  4. DirtyHarry

    Hey Yall

    I have one rented by the hour.
  5. Coming up for a job transition here pretty soon and I need some high deductable catrastrophic health insurance in the between time. Best I've found is around $50.00 premium. Anyone know where to get better than this?
  6. Oly, see what we had to put up with when you were gone. Stop the insanity!
  7. Maybe you're thinking of rap bolting on Prusik Peak.
  8. DirtyHarry

    Hey Yall

    Need room for cream?
  9. What's this "climbing" thing I keep hearing about? Sounds fun, but what I don't get is how do you get the rope up there?
  10. Wow that's almost as proprietary as (the sprayer formerly known as) DFA's beta for Chain Reaction.
  11. You forgot a bunch of dirty Grade III's around 11worth that only us drunk inbred hicks know about.
  12. DirtyHarry

    Caption time!

    I just did the first ascent of Plan 9 and all I got was this lousy plaid shopping bag!
  13. Mozart, Salzburg - 1772. Quite a show. Would have rocked me.
  14. I'm thinking of something different that is a straight in steep finger crack.
  15. Who knows. I think I've done it. Thought it was about .10a.
  16. Good analogy b/c the helmet and the wheelchair provide some significant objective danger.
  17. The final pitch up the arete looked very cool. We didn't get to do it, it was too late in the day.
  18. Another Leland debacle. Free at 5.13 or so, or 5.11 C1 (or 5.7 c1, for that matter). Stupid fucking route, should be chopped.
  19. Did this route on Saturday. The 5.10- pitch was real nice. Really tied the route together. A bit of a 'schwack to get there, but a good days outing. Mike - found one of your buts at the tree belay. Pick up your garbage, man!
  20. Dammit Jim, I'm a lawyer not a physicist! Ask Sky.
  21. The gravitron is a ride at the state fair. Duh.
  22. Wow! You must be some sort of super mountain climberer or sumthin to do that.
  23. How 'bout, get some better material, or don't post anymore. But to be on the safe side, I'll go ahead and vote aye.
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