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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. I think those climbs are fed by ground water. I would imagine ground water is pretty abundant right now since this has been a rather wet month. But maybe there is some more complicated hydrology shit to consider. I'll look into it.
  2. MF Overhang or MF Direct at Castle. Slippery sustained and steep enough. Though I don't know how much easier it gets after the first go 'round.
  3. Anyone know where this monster is?
  4. Please delete atleast one of your PM's, because you are over your limit and I am trying to send you one. Thanks. Carry on.
  5. Ruger single six 22 mag. Because revolvers are cool and cause you can shoot grouse with it as well as people. Happy times.
  6. Michael - you have asshole like seven-year-old girl.
  7. Nice work guys!! Reminds me how much shit people did last winter and summer. Right on. BTW, who's the dude in the picture above? Whoever he is he looks like a rockstar model. He should be sponsored or something.
  8. DirtyHarry

    laptop advice

    I'd get one from a dancer that looks like she's showered recently.
  9. Been wanting to get on that fucker for a while. Guess I'll have to now. Nice work!
  10. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003237467_webindecency31.html I suppose I have to start wearing pants at Starbucks too now. Geez.
  11. That pan is a sweet shot. Gary would probably tell you it has too many pixels per square nanomicrometer or sumthin, but I'd say its the shit.
  12. But all those pic's of Miles Smart and Sean Courage are sooooo rad.
  13. DirtyHarry

    Light macrobeers

    Right. Beer is beer. Some is good, some ain't.
  14. See my Rampage TR- if you didn't have your cornflakes for breakfast, you'll find them up there. On that note, this is the third route in Burdo's book that came with rave reviews but has been decidedly subpar in my opinion. Clean Break isn't a bad climb but Mike points out the issues. The worst by far was his rec of the East buttress of NEWS ("Flycatcher"). In the same book he downrates Liberty Crack and Freedom Rider for "bad rock", comes this recommendation. Flycatcher is a pile: 5.6 bushwhacking sprinkled with decomposing, cheese grater 5.10 jamming cruxes. Burdo's book cracks me up. While its obviously a great resource for some obscure routes, he explicitly says East Face of Lex, Freedom Rider, and Lib Crack are overrated (presumptively b/c he wasn't the one to put them up)- but those are arguably the best routes at the pass!
  15. Camping in the silver star basin may also be an option. Closer to Vasiliki for sure.
  16. That's funny and all but there's some dude in Ontario or some shit that actually has a business like this.
  17. Come on now, he doesn't want to get hurt.
  18. And there's no bolts every two feet.
  19. Apparently half way through the fourth movement, he threw in some super trippy experimental oboe solos.
  20. No running water available. Windy. Small dirty bivy spot. Views are better though.
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