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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. Maybe you should hire a guide, since that seems to be what you are looking for anyway. You essentially are expecting someone to guide you up Cutthroat in exchange for a sixer. Maybe you can find someone with adequate experience willing to do this, but good luck.
  2. Can't you just get your kid an innoculation for that?
  3. What Would Jesus Wear? I think a banana hammock is the correct answer.
  4. why do you hate God? Why do you hate America? The terrorists have already won, obviously.
  5. First pitch of the Boving route proper on SEWS is tricky 5.10 on some thin gear if I remember right then some easy 5.11 fingas. But it is a killer route!
  6. I used to do those on the jungle jim when I was a kid when we were playing "hot lava." That's a fun game, if you haven't yet, you should play some time.
  7. I thought Kerney failed on it in winter? Looked like it would be a great winter route though.
  8. With new Mountain Fresh Feminine Spray, I feel as fresh as a mountain summer morning! Yaaaay!
  9. prolly just another wolf-dog hybrid. Right, but does it have magical powers? .
  10. That ridge on Snowfield was climbed a couple summers ago by a couple guys from Idaho. I heard it was uber chossy 5.4.
  11. This is some fucked up shit!! http://msnbc.msn.com/id/14383883/?GT1=8404 How come no scientist or zoologist dissected this fucker to find out what it was. Let's get some science up in here, shit.
  12. Yeah, well res ispa loquitor, old chap!
  13. You gunna have t-shirts made (just kidding ). Nice guys, looks great. That chim-chimney looks cool!
  14. Leopard skin banana hammock. Woot!
  15. Who wouldn't? I heard they are HOTTTT!
  16. I can't speak for Alison, but if that's a prerequisite to going climbing with you, I certainly ain't going.
  17. I think that quote out of contextis misleading. Colin said thay had decent bivies the first two nights (and slept). The third night, they rested but didn't sleep. Whatever though. Still badass.
  18. I'm filling my camelbak with 2 liters of KY as I speak. Wait, no liquids on the plane. FAAAAAAWK!
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