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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. I think I went to that with my parents when I was in 5th grade. Or maybe it was the Beach Boys. can't remember.
  2. It IS sucky. Off - nice plug for your route. One of these days when I'm not sick of lichen I'm going to head up and repeat it.
  3. I got on it a few years back. Enjoyed the climbing up to the bold roofs. It was more like mountain climbing than most routes as Squish, with some vegetation and dirt. I didn't see anything viable through the roofs that I was willing to do so we rapped from there. I think its worth doing and should be free from crowds.
  4. You think your special b/c you have established bolted routes? Just means you're too much of a poofer to do any real climbing.
  5. I bet Layton would do that pro boner. chelle - LifeWise is who offered me the $50 / month quote. So far that's the best. Self insured isn't a great option for me. I don't need any health care, I just need catastrophic in case I break something or something falls on my head or if I need a penis implant or something.
  6. Its a stupid fucking question in the first place. Both techniques are appropriate in certain circumstances. You can fuck up a route and the rock using either technique. Don't put in inapropriate bolts and don't bolt over other people's lines.
  7. Yeah, Middle Fork was EASY this time of year. Green Creek required some shenanigans - those rocks are slickery!
  8. Camp in the basin. A creek running down from ridge is accessed by walking north on a fairly well trodden trail from the apparent campsites near the big boulder right by the main trail. Its a bit more of a walk to the routes if you camp in the basin, but its really not that far and the camping and water access is way better.
  9. Wut up Eric man, There's a route in Kootenai Canyon, Montana, called Rockwork Orange, but that's a pretty gay name.
  10. Yeah Mike Schaeffer, the best rock climber in the state, just said he and his bro were the first to free it, so that probably means that Butler and Helmuth did. Do you smoke PCP?
  11. Old Jersey is way better anyway.
  12. Don't tell me you also a soul climber. Now that would be fucking impressive.
  13. But how are the Rangoon Crepes there?
  14. Go find some ice and kill the shit out of it.
  15. DirtyHarry

    Caption time!

    Hey where'd you get that MHardware hat, by the way. You some sort of whore for the industry now? Sell out!
  16. You always make me laugh I don't think there is a set of cams produced by any company that have never ever had a problem, is there? I mean, shit happens. As long as there is no consistant pattern of failures nor a statistically significant total number of failures for a specific piece, then it's more or less okay I think. Hell, the drive to the climb is usually more dangerous than the climb itself (depending on the driver, climbing partner, conditions, and on and on and on.). Oh, and will you send me that U-guy's email again, I broke the last cam I got from him. Ha Ha. You make ME laugh. Have you actually led anything on gear? Anything harder than 5.6. ? I would way rather make a hard committing move over a blue metoli these days than a green alien. That said, there are some places only aliens will fit.
  17. Actually i just want a plan that allows me to go to a chiropracter so I can go to Layton for a proctology exam.
  18. Just to clarify. Rolf and I did your route on different occasions, with different partners. So I guess your route has been repeated at least twice. We went up there b/c my partner is living in B-ham for the summer and we thought it would be a unique climb, moderate, and close to town.
  19. Perfect, you'll have more time to establish new routes in Renton!
  20. Its pretty weird though, that sweet finger to hand crack I scrubbed last spring is already starting to get mossy again. Its indicative of a lot of routes there. I don't know why it doesn't see more traffic?
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