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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. You put the laughing smiley in the wrong place, it belongs after your second statement. But hey, we all like to live in our self-constructed dream-land now, don't we? Interesting take. How much meat did you put in your freezer last fall from all the "hunting" you did? And how's your vegetable garden doing, BTW?
  2. Come on, man, even you can do better than that.
  3. If you want to sell climbing gear in your store, I'd probably hire someone who knows something about climbing.
  4. I think a lot of times an FA of a grade III feels like a grade IV, because it does take all day, not knowing the way, etc. But its still a grade III. Dru is right, a six pitch route just isn't a grade IV, unless its aid or super difficult or tricky free climbing.
  5. Whatever, dude, it was called Wheet Thin. So what I got the name of some dumb climb confused with another. Waverley Wafer is the 10c finger to chimney in the general vicinity. Did that one too.
  6. When I lived, briefly, back east, we drank Iron City. It definitly lived up to its Iron "Shitty" moniker.
  7. Happened recently to a buddy of mine. But he thinks it was b/c his 2 yr old flushed one of her toys down the toilet.
  8. I do get those climbs somewhat confused. Waverly Wafer is the 5.9 bolted flake, correct? I remember it to be a super fun, straight forward but strenuous 5.9. The flake is clearly somewhat delicate and its easy to see how a fall on gear in the flake would be unsafe and may even destroy the flake. Strict purists may rue such bolt placements, but I thought in that case they were reasonable. Perhaps another apt comparison is Perry's Layback on the Grand Wall. Obviously not delicate or lacking good gear, but you'd need about 6 #5's to protect it. hard to say from an ethical point of view, but I sure had fun climbing it.
  9. Its layback / undercling. I'm not a good enough climber to climb anything impressive; once it gets difficult its about two moves from being over. Plus its bomber gear. I can see why some flake climbs are bolted, like Waverly Wafer in the valley. But Javelin is a lot more solid.
  10. To each their own. Atleast EricB has a good sense of humor and can take a little ribbing without getting all bent out of shape.
  11. Yes I have. I found it more difficult leading it with gear, but not unsafe or unreasonable. Those bolts should be removed.
  12. I usually let the dolls touch me anywhere they want. But you could always ask your sister about that.
  13. This issue is much bigger than Groundhog Day, CBS.
  14. I've seen those purple flowers around a bunch recently. I can't find my flower book. Anyone know what they are, some kind of lilly?
  15. I should have known. Since you can't buy ammo at Target, Target wouldn't last long with the rednecks 'round here.
  16. Besides the obvious fringe benefits of having the sheep around ( ) being self sufficient is a much more rewarding way to live than being dependant on Mr. Safeway for all your sustenance. However, the economy needs people like you to bolster the home retail and construction industry. And where would Wal-Mart be without folks like you? So keep up the good work!!
  17. Or Issaquah: "Only 15 miles from downtown Seattle, but 3.5 hours during rush hour traffic." Yeah, dude you're right, ten acres on an old pear orchard up a beautiful canyon off Peshastin Creek is pretty lame. Its just so ugly out here.
  18. Fox lives in the El Paradiso Motel on Aurora and 145th ?
  19. That is the most retarted argument for bolting cracks I've ever heard. Just b/c its there doesn't make it right. There are so many unnecessary bolts around 11worth, its just too bad there are so many unscrupulous individuals that have no problem with installing them on rappel and so many sheep anesthatized by modern convenience culture that they've adopted attitudes such as the one displayed above.
  20. Your townhouse sounds lovely. Does it come with the plastic trees outside too or do you have to buy those seperate?
  21. Well, the best thing about skiing in Oregon is that you're not all that far away from Washington.
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