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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. Eh, we're fucked either way. Hope you canuks have some big guest rooms, cause you might be gettin some big fat american houseguests!
  2. And maybe if you're looking to avoid an argument you could keep the editorials out of your statements.
  3. It occurred to me the other day that, I know a number of people here have travelled abroad to go climbing, and have therefore taken their racks with them. I'd like to do this myself someday, but a dilemma arose: whenever I fly, I NEVER check my bags if I can help it. I've had or know people who have had too many bags lost, raided, or even simply delayed by a day, which in some situations could be critical. Not to mention that airlines explicitly say they are not responsible for any items lost or stolen from luggage. So the question: if I can't trust them with my CLOTHES, how would I trust them with my rack? Is there a preferred method of travelling with gear? Do you ship it ahead with insurance, or simply check it and wait anxiously at the luggage carousel?
  4. badvoodoo


    Michael Moore IS a member of the NRA. He must therefore be out waving his guns around and shooting people!
  5. Close, except the folks here in Eugene lack that kind of motivation.
  6. This is the way I always explain it: Ribbed for her pleasure… without the condom. mmm… 2 gauge. If you need to add ribbing, you ain't doin it right.
  7. A corporate pre-nup.
  8. Here's another way to look at that.
  9. Or take his stapler and start a cubicle cold war.
  10. Wow, that's an AWFUL lot of mindless macho posing for one list.
  11. Dun dun Dunnnnnnn
  12. "Cute Baby"? Looks like he's being held in a wind tunnel...
  13. It's a climbing area in Eugene. Some basalt columns on Skinner's Butte in the middle of town, right by the 105 exit. Very handy after-work climbing.
  14. Let the IM spamming begin!
  15. I think there's a lot to be said for reinstating chain gangs. Put 'em to work, don't just leave them sitting in a building trading cigarettes, shivs, and sexual favors.
  16. With the death penalty: Someone dies after 20-30 years. Without the death penalty: They die anyway 30-60 years later.
  17. I saw those guys on Farewell To Smith that day. Impressive stuff.
  18. You'd think if we had our heads full of newspaper we'd be better informed!
  19. Ain't that the truth. I just got home from a gathering of prime examples of inter-gender idiocy.
  20. Thanks for the tips, Tyler, both about Flagstone and Columns. I am actually in Eugene, so I'll have to give those a try.
  21. But at least it's not politics! http://www.wired.com/news/games/0,2101,63821,00.html Now if someone develops a 3D climbing game, some sprayers will never have to leave the house!
  22. yes but if the "friend" is breathing she could get most of the single guys on this site. Breathing and has nice cans. C'mon, there ARE standards after all. Or regularly shearable in the winter. you shear sheep in the late spring... not the winter. you might end up with a frostbitten ewe if you sheared ewe in the winter! Sheep sheep sheep Nobody ever wants to a Goat! (actually, I just wanted to keep one of these quote pryamids going...like in the "old days") I miss the old days quit living in the past "it's all the same fucking day" -Janice Joplin All those pyramids are tripping me out. I'm starting to have seizures. Seizure attack!
  23. You just need to get with the latest in computer water cooling systems.
  24. Now that's a gentleman.
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