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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. Huh huh She said "come" Huh huh
  2. badvoodoo

    tennis anyone?

    When did it become mandatory for young female tennis players to have side jobs as supermodels?
  3. Careful there timmy, I hear out in central OR guys givin diseases to girlscouts is a hangin offense!
  4. So be sure to taunt those pansy-ass black bears every chance you get for being the wussies they are! Points for mentioning Smokey wasn't no scaredy black bear, he could throw down when it came to tellin people off for starting fires.
  5. I'd have to agree, it should be ONE MILLION POSTS.
  6. Speaking of typical and predictable... I find it interesting that this is not an uncommon reaction among gun ownership advocates. An underlying violent molevolance to the tune of "most of us are perfectly law-abiding citizens, and we'll shoot whoever says otherwise!" I have nothing against gun ownership myself, but this kind of reaction, specific or not in its threat of retaliation, comes off as very hypocritical.
  7. It's the government. It takes them 3 months and a binder of paperwork just to reboot.
  8. That was me...what are you saying? Say Greg, didn't I see you on TV the other day?....
  9. badvoodoo

    Lighten Up!

    No kidding! I've never felt so ill as when I've been below decks, even moreso when it's hot. It's like being inside your own heaving stomach. I wish I knew what it was about taking the helm that almost instantly cures seasickness. Works for me every time.
  10. Does this officially make MS part of the Axis of Evil? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=74&e=3&u=/cmp/20040702/tc_cmp/22103407
  11. badvoodoo

    tennis anyone?

    To oggle prepubescant boys? No thanks.
  12. Dude, you're still playing EverQuest? That's like soooo 2002. You want a real MMORPG? Try some Star Wars Galaxies Dance Fever.
  13. What I learned from Axl: When you give the world the finger, the world will come right back and pimp-slap you like the bitch you are.
  14. badvoodoo

    Yahoo just...

    You want complete information security, don't use email. You want to avoid nosey admins, host your own.
  15. badvoodoo

    Yahoo just...

    Been hosting my own for several years now. No information privacy worries here!
  16. badvoodoo

    Every Guy's Dream

    Damn indeed. Youth is wasted on the stupid.
  17. badvoodoo


    A philisophical/socioeconimic spambot... This is a new one on on me. Seems like special interest groups have a new propaganda medium. At least it's to "discussion" forums, and not just posted for ingestion with no discourse.
  18. Looks like this tried to spray the hard way!
  19. "Non-sexual"? Maybe his roomie took his balls when he moved out too, which explains not taking that punk to school.
  20. Note the "...or a cup of coffee."
  21. Wow, you must NOT climb much! Or go anywhere else on the internet. Or watch TV. Or leave the house... Man, why did dwayner get banned? It's like a shooting gallery!
  22. If it's a full blown domain (ie. cascadeclimbers.com), you can check the WHOIS on the domain name to get the creation date (http://www.internic.net/whois.html). If it's a personal page, sometimes the software used to create it adds meta tags with the creation date.
  23. You're wrong in every way, just like all the other people of your political bent! You're just spewing your second-hand rhetoric because you can't think for yourself. Take that, you [insert political affiliation here]. Oh ya, and you're stupid for believing it, too.
  24. Dude, Merv, what did you do before Google image search??
  25. Will Jon start posting more pictures of cyclist camel toes? Okay, so we already know the answer to that one.
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