Someone finally finds and removes the broomstick that has been firmly lodged up former-VP Gore's ass for the past decade.
"Dude, did you see that shit? Ahahahaha.... Oh man, I am so high right now."
Just when you thought the political frenzy couldn't get any weirder... (possibly not work safe, but damn well worth it)
Well, if MS hadn't started altering the JRE to their own design, it probably would've never been an issue.
Microsoft: Taking someone else's technology and "fixing" it, then calling it ours. Go ahead and sue us, we dare you.
No more Java built into XP. You have to get it from Sun here. Click on the link that says "Download J2SE JRE".
"Windows Offline Installation" if you have a slow internet connection, "Windows Installation" for you cable/DSLers out there.