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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. badvoodoo


    Mmmmmm, booooobs....
  2. Too many to choose from, but here's one that turned out well purely by chance:
  3. When in doubt, hold out for that special one that finally say "oh, what the hell".
  4. I'd say a lot of guys are working on the latter in absence of the former. Distel has the luck of both at the same time.
  5. badvoodoo

    Peeve thread

    British people trying to rap. Give it up, you sound ridiculous.
  6. Dude, I'm thinkin it's new avatar time for you... That pic is CLASSIC.
  7. badvoodoo


    Someone finally finds and removes the broomstick that has been firmly lodged up former-VP Gore's ass for the past decade. "Dude, did you see that shit? Ahahahaha.... Oh man, I am so high right now."
  8. Ain't that the damn truth.
  9. Just when you thought the political frenzy couldn't get any weirder... (possibly not work safe, but damn well worth it) http://www.emogame.com/bushgame.html
  10. badvoodoo


    Well, if MS hadn't started altering the JRE to their own design, it probably would've never been an issue. Microsoft: Taking someone else's technology and "fixing" it, then calling it ours. Go ahead and sue us, we dare you.
  11. badvoodoo


    No prob, AF. You've been MS Punk'd!
  12. badvoodoo


    No more Java built into XP. You have to get it from Sun here. Click on the link that says "Download J2SE JRE". "Windows Offline Installation" if you have a slow internet connection, "Windows Installation" for you cable/DSLers out there.
  13. badvoodoo

    lost title???

    Some things are just inalienable truths, money or no.
  14. Sat/Sun: Smith Mon: Working around the house and a motorcycle ride on the backroads. Roads were NOT empty.
  15. I'm paranoid and enjoy unnerving people.
  16. I'm thinkin I'll be out there tomorrow. Look for the guy who looks like his hair is on fire.
  17. Those shots were good the way an ice pick under the fingernails tickles. At least they tasted better down than up!
  18. Another Greatful Dead wannabe band splits up to to pursue individual drum circle projects.
  19. badvoodoo


  20. If R&I can have a whole issue on it, the Climbing Forum can have a thread.
  21. Don't forget the bolt at 2' to protect the sit-start!
  22. Winner fights Simmons for the title
  23. I'm ponderin it. Probably just Sat. or Mon.
  24. Or maybe something like this guy?
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