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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. Then by that same logic there should be a mandatory helmet law for climbers, just like motorcyclists...
  2. Wearing a helmet to me is like what wearing a seatbelt should be: it's your life and only your life, it should be your choice.
  3. I'm thinking about heading out Sunday, if I can finish up at work on time. Seems a damn shame to not go when I've got 3 days of solid weather to work with...
  4. badvoodoo

    test yourself

    I can't see a difference. It's the same gimmick as the last 20 I've seen.
  5. Funny, I never noticed I leaned back until you mentioned that...
  6. I love the AR-15 myself. Very accurate, and very comfortable for a compact rifle.
  7. That's an awesome site. I'm gonna have to make sure my health insurance is up to date and take a tour of the bars.
  8. You're an animal, Cody. And you go to bed too early.
  9. I'm just glad I no longer have to try to hide the fact that I once tried to flush my frying pan down the toilet. Now I'm part of the in crowd!
  10. Spent Sat. pullin tuff at Smith in perfect weather, and the emptiest I've ever seen it. I'd swear the place was being evacuated.
  11. The extent of my knowledge of Vietnam-era weaponry extends only to the History channel, so take it as you will, but per a couple shows I've seen, the main gripe with the M16 wasn't the stopping power, it was its tendancy to jam easily. According to one of these shows, troops in the field often favored picking up AKs dropped by Charlie troops, but had to limit the practice due to suffering friendly fire, since the AK had a very distinctive sound.
  12. And all those unfortunate incidents occurred just in time, because, as we all know, it is illegal to award an Olympic medal to anyone whose life has been free of personal tragedy. Actually, in judged competitions, you're just handicapped half a point for having a normal life. That way you have to overcome unfair odds to win, thereby generating your underdog comeback, and securing your article in People magazine.
  13. Lyrical bombs. ie. "Word to your moms / I came to drop bombs / I gots more rhymes / than the bible's got psalms"
  14. So the jugs look bigger and the approach easier?
  15. badvoodoo


    He looks like she's got his nuts in a stranglehold.
  16. Kerry: "Dudes, has ANYONE seen my car?" *dead silence* whisper from the crowd: "Dude, wait, what class am I in? Did I miss 4th period?"
  17. Mail order's nothin, they have 'em in vending machines. http://www.photomann.com/japan/machines/
  18. Well, duh. If I was wanking off all day I'd enjoy my job too. Hence the high job satisfaction ratio of cc.com spraylords...
  19. Sounds like he could get his own porn deal, tho... The Penis Court, Judge Whopper presiding "He knows all the ins and out of the penile code"
  20. Those are actually still in effect, but only in zones where the speed limit is >30 MPH. And yes, this law is as much about law enforcement as sitting OR state troopers in speed traps while they refuse to investigate domestic break-ins as policy (yes, this has happened).
  21. Looks like someone missed the point when trying out for the KISS Army...
  22. Just sound sloshed when you call. They'll put you through on the Kennedy Hotline.
  23. badvoodoo

    Drunk Bear

    Here's photographic proof they can. And unlike many humans, most don't need the help of beer to do it!
  24. badvoodoo


    "At last, my plan for world domination is nearly complete. What do you think of that, broccoli?" <silent plate of broccoli> "Stop mocking me!"
  25. Smells like.... bat guano.
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