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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. yes but if the "friend" is breathing she could get most of the single guys on this site. Breathing and has nice cans. C'mon, there ARE standards after all. Or regularly shearable in the winter.
  2. badvoodoo

    June 15

    man those were the days Yes they were... not to say that I can't do that now, but all the DJs in my town suck now.
  3. badvoodoo

    June 15

    Got it, playing it in the car... Beasties do it again. Awesome. "It Takes Time To Build" is weirdly political though.
  4. Next stop:
  5. He seems to mock everyone equally. You ever see the Real World in the hood bit? Awesome.
  6. I'm astounded they put that in the headlines with no disclaimer. I kept looking over the website expecting it to be like The Onion. I finally had to look up the author to make sure it was satire.
  7. badvoodoo


    I bet this is all the rage with the "eco-friendly" celebrities. Flown in to some exclusive remote wilderness to enjoy the majesty of nature from their lavish lodge suite, hike maybe 4 miles over the course of a week, then fly out again to an interview on E! about their experience roughing it in the distant wilderness to get back to nature.
  8. "I found Jesus. He was behind the couch the whole time." And yes, Calvin stickers to me are just one step lower than avid Nascar fandom as an indication of people to avoid.
  9. I grew up dissecting owl pellets. Product of having a science teacher for a parent. Certainly kept me from having any phobias about gross things in nature.
  10. Strange, I had the same thought when I saw that subject line.
  11. Thoughts on this? Realism/legitimate need? http://www.terradaily.com/2004/040607055745.nq7w2ii3.html
  12. Don't forget the possability of retaining the house as a rental property if you do decide to move. Dealing with rental agencies can be hit or miss, but it's a viable option to retain the equity while not tying yourself to the location for 5+ years.
  13. Now, as king of Spray, you of all people should know better than that.
  14. Amazing that people can expend so much energy either praising or demonizing someone they've never met. You know what he did. You don't know who he was. Unless one of you is Kissinger trying to get a jump on his retirement.
  15. badvoodoo


    No, that commercial was just for you. We hope you enjoyed it. Now go eat people like your dog told you to.
  16. badvoodoo

    No Class

    I think we've already covered your conversations with jesus, scott.
  17. Or non-shitty, considering....
  18. badvoodoo

    No Class

    You never know, he could be totally down with it.
  19. Shouldn't it then be known in the US as the freedom system?
  20. Would that make cragging multi-pitch bouldering?
  21. Hard to tell from that picture. I ran across two snakes at Smith weekend before last that had very similar markings to rattlers, turned out to be Gopher snakes (non-poisonous constrictors):
  22. You guys were probably in line behind us.
  23. Best get in some climbing while you can!
  24. badvoodoo

    Peeve thread

    Not the way I've heard people use it.
  25. badvoodoo

    Peeve thread

    Since when did photographs start being called "photogs"? "Photos" was just a little too short? You felt weird having it end with a verb? WTF?
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