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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. That was me... and THAT was presicely the point... You are my playground bitch! You got punk'd!
  2. badvoodoo


    Rock on whitch you bad self! So, when's the land-warming party?
  3. Ohhh, shoot you missed it.
  4. "Minxtor, what is best in life?" "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the gapers!"
  5. I love those UK tabloids. The US tabloids don't even tell you what brand of toothpaste the celebs are using this week, or what color JLo's stool was yesterday morning!
  6. Cause I feel he's just not getting enough attention. Spray hasn't forgotten you, Martlet!
  7. Too easy. I'm a climber and true climbers like to suffer... "Dude, did you see that spray approach? It took me three mouse scrolls, with no bookmark! It was sick!"
  8. badvoodoo

    I like Martlet:

    I want a third option: Who?
  9. I want multiple threads just about me! But apparently I have to annoy people to be popular.
  10. Oh, and I nominate copying this page for the "stophotlinking.html" redirect page.
  11. Personal firewalls (BlackIce, Norton Internet Security, etc.) can also cause this, I'm assuming because of the proxying service they use. If you're using one, disable it and reload the page to check. Not sure that there's a workaround, since desktop firewalls don't give much control over the access methods.
  12. What always works for me: Lots of water and sugar and a couple Ibuprofin. Hangovers are essentially a mixture of toxins generated by alcohol and your body being deprived of proper hydration and sugars. The water will help balance the fluids as they're processed by the liver and kidneys and help flush the toxins, and the sugar will replentish the glucose that alcohol deprives your system. And of course the Ibuprofin helps to relieve the headache.
  13. Man Bronco, you sure get testy when that saddle starts to chafe!
  14. Kinda gives new meaning to Bronco busting... Wonder if one of the events will be running down and roping Dru?
  15. That pic around the fire is sweet!
  16. I'd probably recommend an interim location for the food. Can't say I'd want to eat at JH's.
  17. Reminds me of this video. Oh, those impetuous Capitol Hill romances. Who needs The OC when you've got CSPAN!
  18. I know I'd be all over that. And I'm willing to bet Muffy would too. Fejas? You out there?
  19. I know, I know... But I just got my draws, so next time I'm leadin whatever I can!
  20. Dunno, it wasn't my ATC. I just asked the brand.
  21. Yes, there was no sign of cable left in the metal body, ie. no break in the cable.
  22. w00t! I made #1 on Muffy's weekend highlights list! Love ya Muffster!!! I wish I'd been sober enough to think to take more pictures that night. Okay, not really.
  23. I saw something pretty freaky this last weekend. I saw a Climb Max ATC FALL OFF someone's gear loop when the wire loop detached from the metal. On closer inspection, the other end looked like it wasn't too far away from the same fate. No apparent damage, trauma, or wire damage could be seen. Anyone heard of any recalls from Climb Max, or run across this before? Regardless, I'm checking my ATC fanatically from here on out.
  24. He doesn't dare risk the AmazingInc deathsquad
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