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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. you are conflating your perception of the "corporate media" with the (supposed) views of an individual (PP). apparently you are completely incapable of focusing on what a person arguing with you has actually said. poll watchers or pole smokers? whats funny is that obama inherited a flaming bag of shit. only issue is, he started stomping on it to put the fire out. some of you are much more diplomatic. You keenly note that there is dogshit in the bag, and wisely ignore the situation until the matter is past. i'd first pin the blame on congress. both sides of the hall need to be emptied and replaced with people who aren't screwing pigs or whatever the latest congressional scandal is about. i realize that peter probably is a huge fan of the democratic side of the house and senate. they can't do shit for shinola. isn't there a majority in both houses? I know there are a lot of people who are disappointed in Obama for adding troops in Afghanistan. I don't know what to think. Perhaps it is the most prudent idea, given the situation in Pakistan.
  2. Definitely. Who wants "McSame". Oops. Well, Grampa still is still alive! At this time the ailing center of the free world would still not have Palin at the helm...just the second of command. But I suppose you like to gamble like that. Or is it you would rather she was in charge?
  3. what a couple of wonks. joesixpack doesn't want to hear this crap.
  4. [video:youtube]yMYb8sq-jDU
  5. I'M OLD GREG!
  6. i'd still vote for him again if the other choice was McCain/Palin.
  7. thank you for making that connection. i needed a laugh.
  8. I'm OLD GREGG!!!!! [video:youtube]eIInySnQe4I
  9. olyclimber

    RIP Oral

    he also had his own university! with futuristic architecture.
  10. Here is a new Poll: Should KOIN be allowed to do polls? Check only one: O - No O - No
  11. [video:youtube]jYc_IL9PMxc
  12. Washed Out - Belong (Music Video) from Blake Salzman on Vimeo.
  13. olyclimber

    Joe's a Liar

    i did home economics. got an A+.
  14. olyclimber

    Joe's a Liar

  15. olyclimber

    Joe's a Liar

    do you like baileys?
  16. olyclimber

    Joe's a Liar

    lol forgot about that dance floor standard
  17. yes. don't speculate. leave that to the vultures on the news sites. or go there and speculate and leave cc.com alone.
  18. olyclimber

    Joe's a Liar

  19. Is peter a fish? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR0_pehWuiY
  20. I know his avatar here, but agree that we need to step back and give the families space until there is some resolution (and hopefully the other two are safely off). I don't want the media taking the images or words from here, and there will be the right time to do what you mention. I don't think it is dumb idea, just a little early to do it. At least one of them is a part of our family here on CC.com, and we should be mindful of their family and friends and what they are going through.
  21. try to contain your hate. you are what is wrong with america. merry xmas!
  22. best wishes to you and your family scott.
  23. to be clear, my posts above were the usual stupid stuff that is made on news sites these days (in this case the katu site) and not my own thoughts. i'm feeling pretty bad for all of the Gullberg family, and hoping the others make it off.
  24. damn it. one didn't make it as per foxnews.
  25. yeah hope they make it off ok. just having a flashback after reading those comments
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