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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    I'm more interested in holding hands and singing Kumbaya.
  2. "conservative". does your graph account for what that word really applies to? fiscal? social? WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN?
  3. [video:vimeo]2108294
  4. this is great, but "article" is spelled wrong
  5. olyclimber

    rocks off

    http://www.komonews.com/news/local/80861552.html and here is the soundtrack: [video:youtube]IkycNU-dE8Q
  6. the gun laws in Wa DC are so restrictive there is a good chance he did break the law.
  7. WRONG! Didn't Regan say to Gorby trust but verify? The vast majority of islamic growth is through reproduction. Whereas the latest trends show the vast majority of Christian growth is through conversion plus reproduction. Christianity is the fastest growing religion in South America, Africa, and Asia. There is a 600 percent growth of Protestant Christianity in Vietnam. Additionally Evangelical Christianity (GASP to some!) is the fastest growing denomination in China. I don't know if you have been to China, but house churches are popping up everywhere, and that is one reason the Chinnese goverment has so brutally cracked down in recent years on the Church in China. The vast majority of muslims living in China live along the western and marginal edge in very rural areas. And most of its growth is due to natural birth rates (not conversion) Christianity meanwhile is growing in most of urban China. Current estimates are between 40 million on the low end, to 150 million on the high end. At current rates China may be the center of the evangelical world by mid century. Europe is a different story, only because immigration from Muslim nations is higher, and Europe tends to be secular. I know all the athiest on this board hate to hear this news. But Christianity is alive and doing very well in most of the non western world. yes reagan said it and so did many others, including the super furry animals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claims_to_be_the_fastest_growing_religion i stand corrected, but it is by some measure the "fastest growing". but you can make statistics say whatever you want, so that doesn't mean much.
  8. Here is a kewl Aguja Guillaumet video to help you with your testicular issues: [video:vimeo]8444961
  9. I'm preserving this evidence of illegal activity.
  10. Not nearly as fast as Islamic religion is
  12. ultimately you're going to have to give up on the macho shit and learn how to shred
  13. you have tiny wedding vegetables
  14. RAP GUYS KNOW THE REAL DEAL [video:youtube]k4he79krseU
  15. olyclimber

    Pot vrs booze

    abuse of any substance can do damage. take paint chips for instance.
  16. [video:youtube]MArqG_xhtTU
  17. the end it near! buy gold.
  19. send me an angel [video:youtube]KyW9864AXVk
  20. I am high on emotion. Sweet vid.
  21. Damn. I miss the sun. Must have the sun. very nice sky!
  22. who could forget this classic from a few years back [video:youtube]qofe64lIvNg
  23. [video:youtube]e0oFlng8vuk whole album got leaked on the interweb, so if you're cunning you can find it
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