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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Kev, your link doesn't work. Please RTFM. Thanks, and happy holidays!
  2. Autoeroticism is next to godliness
  3. it still works for me. and you must be gay. not that there is anything wrong with that.
  4. [video:youtube]wvoggTpVs9A
  5. Has anyone read Krakauer's new book?
  6. [video:youtube]XAF22-HX7tg
  7. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704107604574607793378860698.html here is a true capitalist outlook: buy a house boat and ride it out!
  8. aren't the Chinese communists? how come their wall hasn't fallen over yet?
  9. put down the crack pipe.
  10. Peter! This should make you happy! Better make sure your kids learn Chinese. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/dec/22/copenhagen-climate-change-mark-lynas
  11. for ions and ions
  12. 1. The toll booth to enter parks like Mount Rainier or the Olympics 2. Mandate to carry bear canisters 3. Blue Bags 4. Mandated electronic dog collar for "risk taking hikers" some of these things make sense to protect the area. btw Dane I don't think anyone has a problem with using evolving technology. its the mandate that is the issue. its the bigger issue of risk management of an issue that has been sensationalized by the media.
  13. Earth saw clmate chnge4 ions;will cont 2 c chnges.R duty2responsbly devlop resorces4humankind/not pollute&destroy;but cant alter naturl chng
  14. Here you go Peter! Get that warchest ready for '12! http://www.sarahpac.com/
  15. [video:youtube]TROhlThs9qY
  16. Peter, I think you're just a whining defeatist. real capitalists view this time as a great opportunity. like this guy! http://finance.yahoo.com/career-work/article/108451/fund-boss-made-7-billion-in-the-panic?mod=career-leadership
  18. thats great and all...but i think this way is still more effective
  19. squish vs. yose
  20. [video:youtube]2a4gyJsY0mc
  21. share these stories!
  22. olyclimber


    whatever happened to him? did he just get tired of the internet?
  23. sorry, the sign up process really isn't that hard. I just don't get the point of the cartoon. only the third frame was funny, the rest was a bit stupid. beacons could save lives all over the state. think "i've fallen and i can't get up". but that really isn't the idea. Its fixing a highly publicized issue, and that gets the talking heads trying to fix things for us I guess. there would be this little patch of oregon that you dare not enter with a government mandated homing beacon. sounds reasonable. but if i go hunting or hiking one mile from that patch, I don't need one? sounds like i took up the wrong hobby. in winter esp. i'd have to say that the family is us. in this case, we lost a person close. he is a "belayslayer" and he shared his personal adventures here. his family and his friends who shared the rope are at the center of this family, but he was one of us.
  24. excuse me, but i just saw some pre-placed bones. that should be illegal. anyone doing so should be shot.
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