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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. [video:youtube]7i5FlC1MpkE
  2. i don't think it is out of line to think that humans may be negatively impacting our environment on a global scale. its far more believable than vampires or werewolves.
  3. what we need is a real rain to wash all the scum off the streets
  4. [video:youtube]eoKmh1S6qnc
  5. olyclimber


    What is the difference between an SUV and a golf ball? Tiger woods can drive a golf ball 300 yards.
  6. [video:youtube]xe85OaacwB8
  7. [video:youtube]lvvRHhsQhi8
  8. They are harmful to the environment. They kill birds.
  9. I've been fighting windmills since 1605.
  10. There are a couple of Index LTW fund raisers going on next week. This deal isn't done, so get out there and enjoy what these events have to offer and show your support: 1. B' Hamsters! In Bellingham on Friday, December 11th, check out the AAI International Mountain Festival. There will be clinics, and evening event with a gear raffle. You can see the details here: http://aai.cc/imd.asp 2. North Bend, WA! On Wednesday, December 9th, check out the Best of Banff Film Festival at the North Bend Theater at 7PM. You can see details about the event and how to get tickets here: http://www.washingtonclimbers.org/Forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=9&day=2009-12-9&c=2
  11. oil was put there by god. if we need more, he'll put more there.
  12. this is clearly a call to abandon science and the scientific method. if scientists can't be trusted, perhaps we are better off listening instead to faith and business leaders who can look after us better.
  13. I just installed a record player in my car. I enjoy the superior sound quality.
  14. analogue4lyfe
  15. Farting bovines are the sole cause of global warming.
  16. I can start. It seems a little chilly today. Crisis averted.
  17. Ha! Sounds like a strategy straight out of the GW administration playbook.
  18. crazy like a fox
  19. olyclimber


  20. olyclimber


    get larger, more powerful leaf blower than he has and when he is doing the deed start blowing them back at him. you guys can have a "blow off".
  21. no one chooses to participate in a debate that no one but you cares about, ergo we are all idiots. but the conversation is taking a colorful turn. why do you suddenly have an interest in the bovine arts? i though you were more of an equestrian?
  22. Yes, this is truly the queens English
  23. Am moved by your murder of the English language.
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