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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    Pot vrs booze

    abuse of any substance can do damage. take paint chips for instance.
  2. [video:youtube]MArqG_xhtTU
  3. the end it near! buy gold.
  5. send me an angel [video:youtube]KyW9864AXVk
  6. I am high on emotion. Sweet vid.
  7. Damn. I miss the sun. Must have the sun. very nice sky!
  8. who could forget this classic from a few years back [video:youtube]qofe64lIvNg
  9. [video:youtube]e0oFlng8vuk whole album got leaked on the interweb, so if you're cunning you can find it
  10. Kev, your link doesn't work. Please RTFM. Thanks, and happy holidays!
  11. Autoeroticism is next to godliness
  12. it still works for me. and you must be gay. not that there is anything wrong with that.
  13. [video:youtube]wvoggTpVs9A
  14. Has anyone read Krakauer's new book?
  15. [video:youtube]XAF22-HX7tg
  16. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704107604574607793378860698.html here is a true capitalist outlook: buy a house boat and ride it out!
  17. aren't the Chinese communists? how come their wall hasn't fallen over yet?
  18. put down the crack pipe.
  19. Peter! This should make you happy! Better make sure your kids learn Chinese. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/dec/22/copenhagen-climate-change-mark-lynas
  20. for ions and ions
  21. 1. The toll booth to enter parks like Mount Rainier or the Olympics 2. Mandate to carry bear canisters 3. Blue Bags 4. Mandated electronic dog collar for "risk taking hikers" some of these things make sense to protect the area. btw Dane I don't think anyone has a problem with using evolving technology. its the mandate that is the issue. its the bigger issue of risk management of an issue that has been sensationalized by the media.
  22. Earth saw clmate chnge4 ions;will cont 2 c chnges.R duty2responsbly devlop resorces4humankind/not pollute&destroy;but cant alter naturl chng
  23. Here you go Peter! Get that warchest ready for '12! http://www.sarahpac.com/
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