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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. As you may know my goal is to change this site into an official non-profit entity. to promote and support climbing in the northwest , to preserve the stories and legacies of those that have passed through here, maybe even do some charitable stuff if it can be put together. But I know nothing about this from a legal or organizational standpoint. And with a new role at work I don’t have time for much. so I’m looking for help. Help with everything including running the site from a technical standpoint. I know I’ve asked for this before and some have even answered. I just need to meet you and maybe we can have a working session. so this is a call for help. Help to get us to non-profit status if possible. Help running that. technical side I need *nix skills, upgrading MySQL, upgrading php, that kind of thing. was even thinking of reaching out to the UW Discord channel, anyone here on that? just looking for people who will protect this site, help run it as a nonprofit,keep the lights on.
  2. it handles like a regular bike, super nimble....but at the same time is has a unique feel to the ride that just feels good. hard to explain. no skidding, tight turn radius. I"ve taken it on mtn bike trails (cross country, not the big drops) and it cruises them. This it model I have here, but yes, mine is ti.
  3. You make a lot of assumptions and have strong opinions that you’re well entrenched in. At little flowery prose to go with that. Not saying I have done the same, we are both old men yelling at clouds. You don’t really know much about me or how I arrived at them, other than I don’t share all your view points. I can think of a lot of things I’d rather do than debate someone such as yourself on a Friday night. I wish you the best with your opinions and viewpoints. The truth is I’m sure somewhere in between. Best of luck Brian. I did used to enjoy a good spar, but I spend too much time in front of a computer as it is.
  4. Unfortunately the…well what ever you call these people you voted for …seem to be embracing and apologizing for the Nazis. Are they Republicans? sure if you’re anti-war I think that is great I don’t like at either. But does that mean capitulating to a foreign invader? I would think that was the only argument for war versus to the take control resources of other countries for your corporations. Are you a Putin fan? Seems like a number of (again not sure what to call them, sure aren’t the classic principled conservatives) love him and his methods. Full story of this administrations impact has yet to be seen. Best take I saw was what Chappelle said on SNL. Personally, as you’d expect I don’t like what I see. I’m all for having a more efficient government, but what I’m seeing is a clown show of firings and then rehiring when some 20 year old making decisions fucked up. I’m seeing guardrails that were put together over many many years in a bipartisan way being dismantled, many of which allow corruption to go unchecked. I’m seeing a government run in “please the dictator” type of way rather than a steady guiding ethical way. I do think it is possible to cherry pick a positive item here and there. I’ll leave that to you. And I do wish the best for our country, and hope Trump and team are successful. What I mean by that: Whatever the hell this grand experiment is, it better work and not hurt the people. Like Chappelle said, congratulations now don’t fuck it up and don’t hurt your own people.
  5. Don’t let the facts muddle this
  6. I will. Work is killing me right now. I should’ve known that “more stuff to do” would not be good for me ! 😂. But will have to just get done unless someone can meet me and help distribute?
  7. Just one person’s perspective: I don’t want to hear or see a drone in what is my church. Not that I go to church nearly enough. super sorry your tr got derailed with this stupid ass conversation about drones, and I also understand people who are just “past it”. But for me it’s a line too far, and I feel like the more people that break the law and get adoration on YouTube, the worse it will get. So I piss in their Cheerios. all that aside thank you for the incredible trip report and I hope us Guardians of the Galaxy haven’t dissuaded you from sharing mor TRs here. You have a knack for storytelling and I’d love to hear more.
  8. Ok time to get these stickers out there! On your trailhead vehicle, on your water bottle, on whatever so people see it and remember we exist and hopefully visit the site and start contributing to our community here. 1. PM Me yout address and I can mail you some. Especially those of you that threw down! 2. I’ll mail some to AAI in Bellingham so you can pop into their shop. Will also put some in Feathered Friends and other shops in the Seattle area. Anyone have a good PDX location to mail or get some to somehow? these do no good in a bag at my house so let’s get them out there and pimpin the site to peoples eyes
  9. If they had stormed the capitol building…that would have been better. But this is inexcusable.
  10. Dissent: so unamerican!
  11. I’ll check them out!
  12. That is quite a story! Glad everything held! Some people say that if you want to push yourself and you aren’t failing then you are trying. I’m past pushing myself like that but appreciate people who do.
  13. “Easier” is definitely subjective! I was able to get out of bed today so I got that going for me.
  14. Sorry to sound like KEXP or something but we are close to our goal to pay for these! Thanks a ton to those that have thrown down!
  15. found a stash of these. Dropped some off at Backcountry Essentials if you’re in Bellingham. Help yourself. I’ll get some in the American Alpine Institute store up by Bellis Fair too somehow. Let me know if there is a local gear store you’d like me to drop some at. I plan on Feathers Friends downtown Seattle and maybe Ascent Outdoors in Interbay.
  16. Awesome!! Gots to get me some of those purple climbing shades. Thanks for sharing!
  17. Keep the money coming in for the stickers! we are about 1/2 way to funding. I just ordered them to increase the stoke, so help me pay for them! I ordered 200. We have 8 people who said they would throw done, so lets do it! Use the paypal donation link on the upper left of the page where it says “donate”. It’s a yellow button . Here is a mock up.
  18. I'm not sure how this is going to work out, but we may see more of this. I don't think this is the only place right now...
  19. Thank you so much! These are happening! For those of you that said you would throw down, just use the PayPal donation link. Note “for stickers”. i think I’m not going to add the .com to the image. It will be a IYKYK. All the cool kids are on Cascadeclimbers.com
  20. When I find time I’ll start a PayPal fund raiser. In fact if you want to throw down right now just donate to or link on the site and make a note that it’s for the stickers. I’ll get the cost squared away. I really need another one of me…the day job is really demanding right now so when I’m done with it I often don’t have time or energy for other things!
  21. Jason's images are incredible and you all should definitely buy prints if he ever sells them (do you have any for sale @JasonG ) but for a sticker pictures usually don't translate well. Usually simpler images (like the above) are better, simple graffics come out of the printer better and are cheaper to print.
  22. That’s jason in the image above with the red hat
  23. Should we do this new sticker? Maybe with a slight tweak to add at ".com" at the end of cascadeclimbers.
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