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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. [video:youtube]TROhlThs9qY
  2. Peter, I think you're just a whining defeatist. real capitalists view this time as a great opportunity. like this guy! http://finance.yahoo.com/career-work/article/108451/fund-boss-made-7-billion-in-the-panic?mod=career-leadership
  4. thats great and all...but i think this way is still more effective
  5. squish vs. yose
  6. [video:youtube]2a4gyJsY0mc
  7. share these stories!
  8. olyclimber


    whatever happened to him? did he just get tired of the internet?
  9. sorry, the sign up process really isn't that hard. I just don't get the point of the cartoon. only the third frame was funny, the rest was a bit stupid. beacons could save lives all over the state. think "i've fallen and i can't get up". but that really isn't the idea. Its fixing a highly publicized issue, and that gets the talking heads trying to fix things for us I guess. there would be this little patch of oregon that you dare not enter with a government mandated homing beacon. sounds reasonable. but if i go hunting or hiking one mile from that patch, I don't need one? sounds like i took up the wrong hobby. in winter esp. i'd have to say that the family is us. in this case, we lost a person close. he is a "belayslayer" and he shared his personal adventures here. his family and his friends who shared the rope are at the center of this family, but he was one of us.
  10. excuse me, but i just saw some pre-placed bones. that should be illegal. anyone doing so should be shot.
  11. olyclimber


    who elected this joker? [video:youtube]4n2P0QsTe8c
  12. let the record read as such.
  13. maybe this machine can be used to remove the offending bolts?
  14. well i didn't verify it myself. but "i think it is wrong" is different then providing a report that actually correct.
  15. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2010544590_apussavingclimbers1stldwritethru.html
  16. this will redefine ice climbing
  17. Stop bringing me down!
  18. Hope and Change!
  19. here you go peter. this will have to get you by in times like these:
  20. we need obama to get all mavericky in there and stuff.
  21. hahhahahaha. well they couldn't get anything for Silva anyway.
  22. now i'm remembering his tif with Pinella last year. but Silva was dead wieght, seems like a good bet to me.
  23. how the hell does Z do it?
  24. as i said before, i'm my own grandpa.
  25. as always, thanks for your contribution Don. I have just found this whole topic moribund, i prefer to think of climbing as an activity of humans who are experiencing the heights of existence rather than risking death. keeping any and all alive is of course an important endeavor that this board can actually help with. I don't mean to silence the conversation. I have never seen Mt. Hood as a a "killer mountain". It has certainly claimed its victims, but for me it is strange that it has been the big magnet for discussion about the regulation of climbing risk. Perhaps it should not be so, but regardless it is. it was the first pnw volcano i climbed, and i'm sure it was for many others. If you think you can make the experience safer for others, have at it. I just would like people to also remember the positive side of ascending.
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