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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Love the comments on the you-tube page from the guys who were in the near-victim party that think they didn't do anything wrong.
  2. E-rock

    No more oil

    You and your snobby canadian spellings. We don't use the extra letters you guys do, you know cuz we revolted from the Monarchy and started cutting our steak with our right hands.
  3. The conclusion is that more knowledge and experience = greater use of mitigation measures that counteract equal or greater exposure to risk. And the research certainly doesn't conclude anything is weird since more knowledge = greater risk (or at least the same risk) was one of the hypotheses tested in his paper.
  4. Ian McCammon apparently didn't think it was that weird: The Role of Training In Recreational Avalanche Accidents in the United States ABSTRACT: Avalanche education has become widely available in the United States, and yet trained recreationists continue to comprise over a third of avalanche victims. Does avalanche education really make a difference? This study investigated the relationship between avalanche education and victim behavior in 344 recreational U.S. accidents, and found that victims with more avalanche training did in fact take fewer overall risks. However, all of the risk reduction in trained recreationists can be attributed to better mitigation measures taken by these victims. None of the risk reduction appeared to be the result of trained groups exposing themselves to less hazard. In fact, victims with basic formal training exposed themselves to more hazard than any other group, including those with no awareness of avalanches. In light of recent findings in decision science, these results suggest that behaviorist and naturalistic teaching strategies would be effective in improving avalanche education. Edit to add: I have no idea what factors led to accidents over the weekend and make no speculation as to what I would have done differently or what the victims should have done differently. The risks I took when I was younger were inordinate, and Ian McCammon's work over the last 10 years has shed a lot of light on why I took the risks I did.
  5. "After talking to some well-informed constituents, I did a small amount of Web-based research, and what I found is disturbing." So this is what it's come to, our politicians talk to some paranoid old farts at the country club while fund-raising back home, do a little googlez, and blammo! Girls Scout cookies are the new fucking chemtrails.
  6. Just trying to justify my distaste. It's funny that they made me so happy as a kid, when i think about it rationally, but then I hear "Unchained" and I'm playing air guitar all over again. The new stuff doesn't do it for me like that. Glad you've been able to hang onto the magic.
  7. I was a big VH fan in middle school. Bought a Kramer guitar with money saved from my first job. Tried to learn finger-tapping technique to the detriment of all other musical skills. Had the posters, went to concerts, bought the T-shirts. Basically, I was the target market and I bought in big time. I still listen to "Fair Warning" and "VH II" while cleaning the house sometimes. But this new album is no "Fair Warning". Not even close. Old and in the way. Time to let the trend die. The target market grew up and started listening to the Beatles.
  8. Is this some kinda view-count scam to engineer viral videos?
  9. E-rock

    Mitt's M&M's?

    No need to doctor his name into something dirty, it already has a disgusting meaning.
  10. Richard Pryor?
  11. There's always some low-self-esteemed crack-whore a few snorts past her hotness prime to slap around in exchange for a short-term ticket to the "good life".
  12. Good thing you set that dumb bitch straight.
  13. E-rock


    As an atheist, you believe that the concept of "nothing after death" is absolute - not a matter of faith, which makes it a matter of faith.
  14. No mention that Madonna almost ate shit getting up on the top "bleacher"?
  15. IF you're solo, this visitor's center is a great place to hook up with touring partners too. Had my best trip ever there by going alone, meeting some locals from Revelstoke, and skiing with them all week. They even took me to their folks place for dinner.
  16. I had IT band problems years ago from descents on hikes. It usually took about 30 minutes before it started. Stretching, and a transition to cycling rather than hiking as my primary cardio exercise seemed to solve the problem.
  17. You got what you deserved, fatty! By the way, looks like he RIPS!
  18. We get a local TV station on the rabbit ears called MeTV that plays nothing but classic TV shows. Soul Train is on every afternoon after work. My daughter loves it. NPR wrote a nice article on his legacy, bigger and more groundbreaking than I ever realized: http://www.npr.org/blogs/therecord/2012/02/01/146225653/why-don-cornelius-matters
  19. Yes. And government subsidized flood control.
  20. Thanks for linking back to this one in Dan's TR. Even better the second time around.
  21. E-rock


    Just add an epic dollop of your douchery on top, and it's another day in spray.
  22. E-rock


    You'll get on a high horse about anything, won't you?
  23. "It's like being asked how you would belay safely while doing a multi pitch route solo. The question doesn't make sense." "On my first solo, on Whitney, it was winter and I turned back at only 13,000'. I had light trail hikers on that couldn't really fit crampons and got some weird looks from a guide who was coming off the mountain." These are the two gems that struck me while reading this important thread.
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