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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. CC.com's self-styled Hawkeye is always right, even when he's wrong.
  2. Proper grammar and spelling would be courts-martial. Just sayin'... Gawd, you're bored.
  3. E-rock


    If they were Russians they wouldn't be tied in, and the bottles would be bigger, and clear.
  4. But only one of us would be right.
  5. E-rock

    Really now!???

    Hey Raindog, what if they had ordered you to strip to your polypro and present your driver's license? What would you have done then?
  6. God that was horrible. And WTF? Eddie really did kick Michael Anthony out, didn't he?
  7. [video:youtube]3WfQ-hV3WtA
  8. Probably, but it would be totally shot after one fall. Then what, smart guy? I think you missed the joke, E-rock. I think you did, Sobo.
  9. Russians are the coolest people in the world. [video:youtube]bMNUsTlVuOM
  10. Probably, but it would be totally shot after one fall. Then what, smart guy?
  11. Trvashtawker says he's against child abuse! What a noble and critical stance you've taken. If only the rest of us could model your moral fortitude! Tell us, can you weigh in on the Jerry Sandusky allegations? How bad was that. Really, really bad? Cause it's kind of a moral gray area for people without your vast intellect.
  12. My main question is how does Bill mine this stuff from the depths of the internet. It's like his web browser is optimized for his own retarded world view.
  13. That sounds so hot. Right, Bill?
  14. E-rock

    RIP Phydeaux

  15. E-rock

    Really now!???

    You write without thinking, don't you? You do realize that "most police actions" are everyday, mundane tasks, like pulling over traffic violators and responding to 911 calls. Do you mean, instead, "more justified than most controversial police actions"? Because I beg to differ on even that point. This whole event was nothing more than a poorly executed excuse to run a "drug-bust" style raid by an increasingly paramiliatarized police force that employs angry white men with inferiority complexes. Ultimately, it was just plain bad police work. What they essentially attempted to do, was corner an armed, dangerous, and desperate fugitive in a room full of innocent bystanders. Luckily he wasn't there. The way I see it, this mode of "police action" occurs for two reasons: 1) Cops want to avoid appearing inept if the fugitive possibly escapes (hence eliminating all possibilities of failure that they have control over in a given situation, even at the expense of public safety); and 2) It's a chance to employ their increasingly disproportionate emphasis on military style police tactics, which have to have a purpose, right?
  16. So, I take it, VultureVision, that you're a member of the cult, right?
  17. E-rock

    Really now!???

    And that's assuming he could do all those things. You know, like all the things Barry promised to do. The FTC and the EPA are in the executive branch. True, he couldn't change the regulations, but he could get rid of the enforcers. I guess congress could bypass him and set up their own? I'm not a constitutional expert. Most regulations and codes that I've read (at least at the local level) expressly require enforcement and assign responsibility for that enforcement.
  18. [video:youtube]as2Z5K-eN4s
  19. Or Rick Santorum, for that matter. I can't wait to see what a let-down New Hampshire is for that bigot.
  20. You had me up to here. We're in for 4 more years, like it or not.
  21. E-rock

    Really now!???

    Have you guys changed Kevin's mind yet?
  22. E-rock

    Merry Chritmas

    It certainly is not.
  23. E-rock

    Merry Chritmas

    Sobo, so sorry to hear about your lousy Christmas. I have a friend who goes through the same thing all the time with his X (not quite exes yet actually). Funny how women worth divorcing are like that.
  24. Really? I watched it a ton as well growing up. I re-watched it again the other day. It still kicks ass. IMO I like the part where Sammy reaches into hsi underwear fondles his own sweaty balls during the "orgasmic" interlude of "Panama". Gross.
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