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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. I remember watching this whole tape ("Live Without a Net") repeatedly in 7th grade. Thanks for reminding me how lame life was growing up in a Jewish suburb of Philly, Kevbone.
  2. How does someone who cries in public so often get far enough in life to become arguably the 2nd most powerful person in America?
  3. E-rock

    Christmas Gift Idea

    Thank you for injecting a new level of stupid into spray, Stefan. This place was getting stale.
  4. E-rock

    Very powerful.

    I really liked the narrator. His accent made me want to listen to what he had to say. Kevbone, how do you feel about Ron Paul's racist skeletons in his closet? He used to have some not very nice things to say abou the blacks.
  5. [video:youtube]v=2RoAfpC7lrY Yeah yeah yeah, jay. I read the article, too, ya know. I know they "said" it was a "raffle", but c'mon... DADT finally gets torpedoed, and you think the Navy (and the administration) isn't going to glom onto this one-in-a-million opportunity to make some political hay with it? Tape the fuckin' woman's name to the bottom of the hat, and then pull it out. Oldest trick in the book. How simple is that, eh? I do find it suspicious based on how cute they both were.
  6. E-rock

    Christmas Gift Idea

    Ban SOY! I hate that fucking shit. Except miso. Love it. Don't ban miso.
  7. You'll click anything, won't you, Sobo?
  8. Why? Do you want to pay more taxes? We have to pay for all the shit we are spending money on above and beyond tax revenues, somehow, boner. Agreed. But knowingly raising taxes is not generally a conservative view. It's not a tax raise, it's the end of a tax cut that was intended to be temporary from the start, and was a dumb idea in the first place. Fiscal responsibility means paying your bills, not just lowering them.
  9. E-rock

    What's for Dinner?

    I'm working on the first one.
  10. I had some homemade sunday ragu with elk, pork shoulder, beef brisket, sausage, and turkey legs along with some sauteed broccoli. BUT, the ragu was leftovers stored in the freezer in plastic with BPA in it, and the brocolli wasn't organic so it had pesticides on it. I'm probably gonna grow bitch titties and then die.
  11. What a waste. 10,000 posts, and you've been so nice all this time.
  12. Agreed, I was having a similar thought process about this over dinner. The sense of entitlement that police officers have has created an extreme "us vs. them" mentality. Civilians are idiots either waiting to commit a crime, or become a victim of one. I experienced this all-to-personally when my wife and I were mugged, and when I came to consciousness in a pool of my own blood and teeth, one of the responding officers was yelling at my wife, because she had the nerve to ignore his questions while she was answering the investigating officer's questions. My previous comment was a lame attempt at sarcasm.
  13. E-rock

    Christmas Gift Idea

    He's got a spreadsheet.
  14. More bread and circus Agreed. What a POS.
  15. You eventually call everyone you argue with regularly a liar. A harsh judgment to levy, and one I've never meted out so lightly as you. As for the rest of you "support of argument" I don't give a fuck.
  16. Hey, man, you know you can't make a blanket statement about them all based on a couple of jerks. I mean, it's not like this kind of thing happens often in every city in the country.
  17. E-rock

    Christmas Gift Idea

    It's even more retarded than that. This person is not "the one in a million affected". It's just a dummy who thinks she is through the power of her "reasoning". But whatever, she's sure.
  18. You're really not good at this, are you? Do you thrive on a sense of moral outrage. Would you shrivel up and die without it? Everyone's a liar that disagrees with you, aren't they? Spray is not for you, quit before you give yourself heart disease.
  19. E-rock

    Christmas Gift Idea

    It's amazing what motivates you to crawl out from under your rock, shitheel. Only PROLE has the moral authority to CARE. Die Conservitard!
  20. Hey, j_bot, what's the carbon footprint of all that hot air you generate?
  21. Fawkin' Saweet! I love how they're all giggling like it's a drunk stunt like blowing shit up in a campfire.
  22. hey j_bot, what's the carbon footprint of your web-browser?
  23. Thanks for the link, Pink. Killer.
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