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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. I have not climbed yocum. Is this the meeting place for us?
  2. E-rock

    Tim Tebow

    God I can't stand those thinly-veiled Christian proselytizing sessions they keep calling "press conferences". He's a better candidate for a career ending leg injury than Joe theismann was.
  3. E-rock

    Where's Prole?

    Pretty sure this was him.... linky
  4. I didn't think I would ever upload pics of my daughter to any website, but I enjoyed so much seeing some of yours that I thought I'd share. Eva - 10 months.
  5. E-rock

    A Nation of Finks

    Gawd, you sure must love the smell of your own farts, cuz you're high on your own fumes, man.
  6. E-rock

    A Nation of Finks

    Seriously. Idiots becoming security guards isn't exactly a new phenomenon.
  7. You have feelings. Who knew. It was a joke. Lighten up, Francis.
  8. The things that happen to trailer trash....
  9. Hey oly, I checked out those utoobs and was wondering when the atmospheric foreboding intro ends and, you know, an actual song develops?
  10. Never fear, the rest of Congress will save the day and just suspend the punitive cuts.
  11. Road head's a problem...?? I don't see it. Funny, driving back from Buffalo last weekend there was a guy swerving all over I-90 in front of us in a lavender Mercedes. My wife kept honking at him and when he finally pulled into the right lane so we could pass we saw a blond tart raise her head out of his lap!
  12. I love when hipsters talk about their PBR-fueled good-times like it's some kind of revolution.
  13. E-rock


    Those nitwits over at Telemartwats.cum drank the jizz years ago and can't stop arguing about whether it's awesome, awesomer, or awesomest. I have no interest so I won't give my opinion, but if you want to read endless gear minutia, that's the place for you.
  14. Just saw this. Congrats, E!
  15. E-rock

    penal math?

    Kevbone is so good at this.
  16. Douche. Look, Mister Communicates-through-sarcasm takes an issue seriously!
  17. Linky Nice....they dont even list Ron Paul. Shit, dude, they left David Lee Roth off there too! WTF?? That's okay. The Sammy Hagar version of VH was waaay better. They did include Sammy, Right????!@!!!
  18. What are you talking about Bill???!!!! This is the perfect opportunity for you to post a chicks with dicks photo, or something. Maybe there's trannie shots with gratuitious violence and gore???!!!!
  19. E-rock

    USA! USA! Part Deux

    Some conclusive data in that article. Along with a sweet pic [sic] of some HYSTERICAL HIPPIES.
  20. E-rock

    USA! USA! Part Deux

    I wouldn't be so sure. Natural gas combustion produces 2/3 the CO2 of coal, and has many fewer other pollutants as well, but fracking uses a lot of energy (often coal generated electricity) to put fluids under pressure and pump it into rock formations so the energy return isn't very good. Fracking also requires lots of water and causes much pollution both at the surface and in ground water. To your first point, that's a matter of energy economics. As with any commodity, if the economics favor it's extraction, it will be done. You seriously think that the energy required to install and frack a horizontal well is more than the energy needed for mountain top removal? To your second point, fracking in the northeast is occurring in a water rich part of the world. We can spare a little. To your third: Pollution with what? The frack fluids are contained, treated, and shipped offsite. In New York, this procedure will be the most heavily regulated in the country, if not the world. So the surface water issue, if it is one, will be isolated, the same way TCE, PCE, PCBs, Chromium VI, BTEX, Fuel Oil are. As far as groundwater contamination is concerned, I have yet to hear an argument from anyone except hysterical hippies that their drinking water is going to be contaminated. The shale formations where gas is being extracted have extremely low primary and secondary porosities (hence the need for fracking) and no groundwater content (hence the ability to extract natural gas and not a bunch of water). The stories of private well contamination are anecdotal at best, are usually related to historical wells dating to the early 20th century, and are always the result of an improperly installed casing seal rather than direct contamination of a drinking water aquifer by an underlying natural gas formation. You sure come down hard on other people for talking out there asses, but your last post was nothing more than intellectual flatulence.
  21. I think there's two bigger strikes against him: He has the audacity to associate with the current White House, and he's attempted to occupy a self-invented no-man's land of being ever-so-slightly more conservative than Romney, which he's not. The first one affects his clout with with the Republican "base"; the second one affects his clout with Democrats trending towards a GOP candidate. I do think Romney can shake the Zion Letter a little more easily than Huntsman due to his name recognition, but in this field, and on the national stage, I don't think the LDS upbringings are going to be the deciding factors.
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