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JasonG last won the day on November 22

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About JasonG

  • Birthday 12/30/1974


  • Occupation
    Fisheries Biologist
  • Location
    Mount Vernon

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  1. And, if you haven't yet, go leashless.
  2. Great song!
  3. And what happened to the triumphant return of @jon? Do we have to start slandering him?
  4. Yeah @Rad, but we're still here and still real. The mods and @olyclimber keep the bots at bay so ......it's just us. But we're old and don't care about fighting anymore. Sorry @Fairweather!
  5. We need some young 'uns to make fun of us gentrified armchair mountaineers. C'mon, we can take it! I think?
  6. Thanks for bumping this @olyclimber! I needed to remember to use the time height products off the atmos site! (and that's quite the storm coming in tomorrow night!)
  7. NICE!!
  8. I've heard from rangers that this is part of it, but mostly they feel that they can't have sledding without ranger supervision. And since they don't have enough staff in the winter to "supervise" visitors adequately, no sledding for anyone. Because, you know, us serfs aren't to be trusted. We might destroy "park resources" and hurt ourselves without big brother's protective gaze upon us at all times.
  9. I'm not sure if any of us would handle that sort of wealth, and the platform it provides, very well. It is sort of mind boggling what is possible when you have unlimited money and visibility.....and nobody to say, "uhhhh, hold on a second Elon."
  10. I really wonder why NPS continues to be so lame. Serious question, even if poorly worded. I don't think you can blame it all on staffing. There appears to be a significant cultural shift in the agency over the past 30 years. My boys don't need big brother (or even dad) telling them where to sled. Might they get hurt? Sure. That's nature for you. They could very well not be smart enough to reproduce, but I don't need NPS telling me that. Maybe we shouldn't let people climb the mountain? Seems dangerous.
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