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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    Shot or Jail?

    Who do you think you're kidding, T-man? I know you're a knuckle-dragger, and snowboarding will never wash away the filth.
  2. E-rock

    Shot or Jail?

    They walk among us.
  3. How is this confirmation bias? I think maybe you don't know what that word means? Confirmation bias has to do with selectively favoring information that supports your opinion, or interpreting it in a biased way. Are you suggesting that an unbiased, non-selective search of the data will indicate that gun violence actually *isn't* a problem in America, therefore indicating that these sorts of article are just confirmation bias? On the contrary, by almost any reckoning, America's gun violence problem is raging. More confirmation bias? No, that's not what I'm suggesting. Simmer down.
  4. Not really concerned about NRA-type confirmation bias. Merely recognizing my own. And disgusted this in happening again.
  5. Breaking News! for those in the mood for a heaping helping of confirmation bias
  6. E-rock

    Bon Jovi!

    Bon Jovi was the first woman I was ever sexually attracted to.
  7. Wow, Canada really is like a Bizzaro World version of the USA, but instead of mustaches on all the doppelgangers, they plunk a cowboy hat on 'em.
  8. E-rock


    Maybe. I did quite shaving for lent.
  9. E-rock


  10. "micro-spikes"? Can't say I'm familiar.
  11. Much thanks.
  12. I have a pair of scarpa T1's and want to get a simple crampon for icy sections of trail on ridgelines in Adirondacks. Anyone havea cheap, light crampon they'd recommend for this use?
  13. Pictures, please!
  14. It's taken years to get it to reduce to acceptable levels.
  15. Also: -Get a copy of "how to brew" by John Palmer. Lot's of people like Papazian's book, I have no idea why, it's out of date. How to brew is also available in excerpts online -check out online retailers like Northern Brewer and Midwest Supplies. -use a recipe kit to start, you will not "invent" the world's next great beer until you know how to brew. hint: unless you brew every day, this will take years. -Dry-hopping covers up many flaws. If you like hops, I recommend dry-hopping all of your beers in the beginning. -Don't bother trying to "clone" your favorite beer right away. Clone recipes are notoriously inaccurate, and if you don't know what you're doing, it doesn't matter if you buy the ingredients from the brewery itself, it ain't gonna taste the same. -Stay humble and KEEP TRYING. I made beers that I thought were awesome until I started noticing the flaws. Then I spent years working on the craft to get those flaws down to acceptable levels (i.e., I could enjoy my beer without tasting only the flaws). -As Charlie Papazian says - "Relax, have a homebrew"
  16. The green apple/cidery flavor is likely NOT from an infection, it's caused by an intermediate fermentation compound called acetaldehyde (the same chemical they make green apple candies with). The cause of this flavor in your beer is incomplete fermentation. There are many ways to avoid this, but they all take practice: 1) Higher pitching rate - 1 packet of yeast is not enough you need to learn how to do a starter 2) maintain proper fermentation temperature - fluctuations in temp are bad, steady temperatatures outside your ideal fermentation temp range for the yeast your using are bad 3) allow secondary fermentation to progress for longer - after active (primary) fermentation is complete, many off-flavors are cleaned up n a conditioning phase that requres 2 weeks to close to a year, depending on your beer. 4) Poor yeast growth during lag phase - you must properly aerate your wort to get satisfactory yeast reproduction before fermentation begins. 5) Mr Beer Kit - Ditch that piece of shit and get some glass carboys with air-locks. 6) Refinded sugars - cheep recipe kits like Mr. Brew are often loaded with cheap refined sugars. You use this stuff, you get cider.
  17. E-rock

    Gun Control

    When I presented this argument to a friend (who works for the border patrol in NF) to point out one of the fallacies of her anti-gun-control argument, she accused me of attacking her profession as useless.
  18. E-rock


    Well, I was talking specifically about professional cycling not college sports in general. I don't think cycling is that popular in US colleges. In any case we have all kinds of laws based on age: access to tobacco, alcohol, marijuana. Just because it is legal for adults does not mean you throw up your hands and give up when it comes to those underage. Not too many careers in smoking, drinking, and toking unless you wanna be a comedian or a hip-hop star.
  19. Do zombies count as dead or almost dead?
  20. Looks like a lot of snow there this year. Some years it's pretty lean. The sunny aspects at the elevations you were skiing can sublimate to dry brown nothing in mid-winter. Cool that you got some.
  21. Yeah but unicorns can easily be battled by well-equipped humans in their own element (okay, I'm exaggerating and admit that the humans would have to be Wizards), whereas sharks are only easily defeated on land.
  22. E-rock


    The comment section is awesome! "I seriously almost cried when I read this article! This is the finest modern example I've seen of how the free market system takes care of itself. The invisible hand is guiding jobs back to our shores, and allowing once great American companies to find new promise in American manufacturing and ingenuity. This DESPITE the union's best efforts to crush the company, DESPITE unfair economic practices on the part of China, and WITHOUT any intervention by the US Government. HUZZAH!!!"
  23. East Coast grades make Yosemite seem soft.
  24. LCC grades are fair, but I don't think they're as stiff as some places. Speaking old skool badass climbers. Cutting your teeth in LCC, you become a big fan of George Lowe. That guy was a stud.
  25. E-rock


    Wonder if they still hang?
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