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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    What time is it...

    It does belong there.
  2. Pete, You need to get "Too Bad Jim", it was before the remix wierdness started.
  3. I saw RL at the Yale in 1994? and many free drinks later there was a fight in the parking lot between two cougars over who was going to take me home. Rawr. Sounds like an RL show. My friend Maya forced here way into his tour trailer when she was wasted once. The Roadies were trying to hold her back and she was all, "no, no, RL HAS to see me" She finally made her way in, sat down, and had a long conversation she doesn't remember with him.
  4. Also, Junior and RL Burnside had a long-standing rivalry/friendhip with juke joints right down the road from each other. I remember reading stories about them have life-long fueds over women and booze. They found friendship in old age when Fat Possum "discovered" juke joint blues and brought it on tour for the masses in the early 90's.
  5. I bet the dismay was a bit tempered by the fact that his previous venue was even whiter. I bet he played the Utah Union a couple nights before. I saw Black Uhuru in that venue. It might be the only time people have ever smoked pot inside a U of U building.
  6. E-rock

    What time is it...

    Matt, I make it fresh every year on Christmas eve, but never thought to let it mellow. Do you re-whip the recipe after it's aging period to bring it back to a froth?
  7. Hey Pete! Junior was indeed a badass muthafucka. I was lucky to see him play live twice while he was around, once in Philly, I was only 18, and I couldn't help thinking I was witnessing a legend. I felt like the world had just let me in on a secret. The second time, I saw him at the Fine Arts auditorium at the University of Utah, which is a dry campus. My buddy and I snuck beer into the theater and sat in the front row raising our bottles to a baaaaad man. We were the only people there drinking so, at the end of the show, the bathroom was empty when my buddy and I were pushing each around and talking shit when Junior limped in with his cane and he just laughed this low, slow laugh. Long live Junior Kimbrough
  8. It's OK, dude. We all know you're one of the cool kids. Hint: The difference between having a stick up your ass and not is a) referring to something that's all in good fun as 'not to my taste' rather than 'tasteless' and/or b) not missing tongue in cheek self deprecation when so obviously presented. Now off to the "Christ Piss, a Retrospective" exhibit at MOMA with ya... Yo dipshit. Let me spell it for you since you don't get hints. The content of the photos is quite obvious to me. It's Bill's interpretation and his over-the-top defense of that interpration I find obnoxious. How many different ways do I have to spell it. P.S. "Rather Tasteless" is the same thing as "not to my taste". And it's "Piss Christ", and that piece sucks.
  9. For what it's worth, I fully understand and respect your enjoyment of the photograph. The fact that it does nothing for me is irrelevent to my original argument.
  10. Oh gawd, puhleeze, you're just so easy-going and irreverent. What this has to do with sticks up anyone's asses is beyond me, when the basic premise of this thread is that a rather tasteless photo of a local hero is somehow clever ( it's sooo hard to get if you have a stick up your ass) and artistic. I'm willing to wager the things I find funny are far more irreverent, disgusting, and sexist than even you enjoy, but I don't pretend it has intellectual value.
  11. Note to self: Never argue with a Fred acolyte - you're likely to see all manner of ethical relativity.
  12. As clever as Maplethorpe? Hardly. But I'd wager which photo bill thinks is more complexly layered.
  13. I have no specific problem with the subject of this thread, merely the messenger. You understand that, don't you?
  14. Wow, he focused the camera and applied 100-years' worth of studio lighting knowlege - so perfect. Like this? What a bunch of pseudo old-man-empowerment nonsense. The juxtaposition of old men with young hot girls in our society has more to do with money, power, and paternalism than anything else. You have a daughter don't you? If you enjoy this photo because you relate to it's horny-old-man asthetic, than by all means enjoy, but don't try to sugar coat it with your lame attempts at intellectualism. And lest you think I'm some kind of bleeding-heart politically-correct wingnut, I'm just as likely to objectify women as the next guy, I just don't pretend it's about "empowerment" - because it's entirely the opposite.
  15. E-rock

    More lies.

    I was just thinking the same thing.
  16. E-rock

    Martini Thread

    A martini is gin and vermouth, not cold gin in a glass, and not a bunch of olive juice in place of vermouth. Disgusting.
  17. E-rock


    Whatever boogie-men keep you up at night. Ps, bilcoe, are you retarded?
  18. E-rock


    Everything you seem to hate.
  19. E-rock


    Will you hurry up already? I'm assuming you came up with a more prudent course of action than "ignore it, s'all good". Not that you actually give a shit about racism.
  20. E-rock


    OMFG, we can pin the scarlet letter of racism on a total fucking whackjob, and you SHEEPLE DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!!!111????? PROLE, WTF ARE WE GONNA DO?!!!??!?!?
  21. Now I can imagine what a group of Kevbone's friends in one room together might be like.
  22. a decade of decadence? hemingway made it sound so bitch'n! Just finished The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald didn't.
  23. E-rock

    Republican debates

    Oh, Gaawd. You're still around?
  24. E-rock

    Union Thugery

    WhoahoHO! More golden droplets of knowledge rained down on our heads like a urine-stream of sarcasm. You've really got it all figgered out.
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