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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Bongeater was my introduction to rock climbing in college. After my mountain bike got stolen, a couple buddies took me up to bongeater butress and put me on toprope. What a beating! I never bought a mountain bike again. The Green A was my first 5.9 lead. I had an experienced belayer who kept telling me to keep moving and stop trying to place gear. As i remember it, there's only three good stances on the whole thing. Though I don't think I'd call the fall potential deadly. No, I live in New York now and the closest rock is the Adirondacks. Dwayner would jiszz his pantsby how much they hate bolts around here. If it's 5.7 slab or below, full rope-length runouts are de rigeur. Or however you spell it.
  2. I'd recommend trying a couple more brnds that make AT boots. Garmont and Scarpa come to mind. Each makes light touring boots and you're bound to find a good fit. Also sounds like you might want to look into custom orthotics. If you find a boot that otherwise fits aside from your arch problems, I've seen this work really well for others.
  3. Haha! I saw this thread and wondered if it was my old barn-burner. You know what I think now? I would happily give up any grading system of any kind to live as close to rock of that quality again. When I was in my twenties, I was not honest enough with myself to realize that I was never gonna climb harder than 5.9 on a consistent basis, unless I stopped being a weekend warrior, and started training. Now the closest rock to me has deathfall runnouts if it's anything easier than 5.8, and 5.9 feels like Squamish 5.11. Fuck I miss squamish.
  4. It's a dancing cloud, smart guy.
  5. E-rock

    Poor Me.

    Mine's the biggest. Whazzup Wirlwind! Try having kids, it's like an achilles that will never heal.
  6. E-rock


  7. I just read this whole thread.....
  8. I was most interested in the self-regulatory decorum that the counseling corner seemed to foster and the interesting threads that stemmed from it. Spray itself has always been the worst example of what the mask of anonymity creates in all of us.
  9. You put as much life energy into this post, Sam Furley, as I did into my original one. Is your life so empty that this feels significant?
  10. I know the forum started as a joke, but it also birthed some of the better "spray" threads in the last few years. Without it, spray is just a dirty litter box without self-regulation.
  11. E-rock

    DC = deer killer

    You know what's weird, is how climbers are always taking pictures of each other's crotches from below, and pictures of their own feet.
  12. Man those guys are nothing compared to the V8+ boulder man-children you run into below the cliffs.
  13. E-rock

    locked down spray

    I hear corn snow can put out fires... You guys are dangerous.
  14. E-rock


    say it with me now, "You're not European!"
  15. E-rock

    Lazy Guidebook Authors

    Add Tony Calderone in the Desert West to he "bad" list.
  16. We call it facefuck
  17. Dead is dead, don't matter how you kill it. Unbleached flower ain't gonna grow in your garden any more than the bleached stuff, so if that's your criterion, you might wanna re-think it.
  18. E-rock


  19. E-rock


    Man, I sure don't miss being 19.
  20. Always jealous of the tour with dog. Good stuff.
  21. Finally something I can agree with bill on. World cuisines ranked in order of perfection: West Coast Mexican (Nayarit through Oaxaca) Tuscan Vietnamese Everything else
  22. Haven't you ever heard of the "Camp 4 Hooker"?
  23. There is a select group of women who behave the opposite.
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