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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Thank you for allow anti-censor to post. ----------------------------------- putting the "uck" back in "Fuck".
  2. Don't forget the other fun little items that say, "I'm outdoorsy":
  3. My email: Hi Teresa, I hiked the Eklutna Traverse about 13 years ago and it was one of my first real backcountry experiences and still one of my fondest memories. I remember sitting on the porch of one of the huts overlooking one of the glaciers (can't remember which one now), and seeing a wolverine come loping down the glacier - the only wolverine I have ever seen in the wild. It covered a distance of a mile or two with incredible speed and then disappered over a ridge. The opportunity to have such experiences are increasingly rare in this day of expansion and population growth, and it would be a shame to deprive future generations of such opportunities by spoiling accessible wilderness areas such as the Eklutna Traverse with snowmobile traffic. Those loud, obnoxious, and polluting machines will ensure that no wildlife will be seen in the area. Furthermore, they will result in the deposition of trash in the area, the overuse of the huts, and increase the potential for injuries requiring expensive and dangerous rescue efforts in the backcountry. For these reasons, I urge you to deny Glacier City Snowmobile's request to operate a for-profit snowmobile service on the Eagle Glacier. Sincerely, - -
  4. He was a white house plant in the press room, put there to ask "softball" questions. Further evidence that the administration manipulates the press and has no respect for the role of journalism as a check/balance for government. The fact that this plant was operating under an alias and is really a gay male prostitute just adds a tasty Enquirer-flavored glaze to the whole "affair".
  5. For the record, I would buy a FWA of NR of Stuart ice cube tray.
  6. Check this one out at the above link: MSNBC Vote Fraud Video (Must See) -- 11.11.04 It's 16minutes long.
  7. Vote so far: Garage Jumpers are responsible: 795 Garage Owners are responsible: 21 Apparently there are at least 21 stupid people in the world. Hopefully one of them will buy my Metolius Curved Nuts, but then they would probably try to sue me.
  8. Alpinfox

    It's Time

    Don't throw out your bong just yet Mr. Bunglehead, that report I posted claiming that weed causes schizophrenia is total bunk. It's a great example of junk science. While I don't claim that smoking pot is GOOD for your brain, I drop coils on* the validity of that particular "study". *"drop coils on" is a scientific term meaning "The data do not support the conclusions". Toke On!
  9. Definitely! No kidding. I was stunned. There was no snow on south or east facing slopes and the west/north facing slopes had very little. Has anyone been up there during a real winter? I would expect 10 feet or so of snow in a normal year. Is that realistic? Fun trip. This is a great time to climb Cruiser. No crowds, snow over a lot of the brush, our tracks should be around for a while so easy route finding... go get it! A couple more pictures: Olyclimber on the summit ridge Climbing final rock just below the summit
  10. Mount Rainier is a national park, therefore no dogs. Mount Hood is in national forest, therefore you can shoot things, dump old refridgerators on the summit, and shoot off fireworks. Since Timberline Ski Area has a special permit for that area, I don't think you can use a snowmobile there.
  11. LIQUID CHALK I've never used it.
  12. This picture taken on 02/08/05 (I think): Sweet pic of NR Stuart Nice freakin' job guys.
  13. Alpinfox

    What A Weekend!

    I ate top ramen and halva. Stay tuned for the TR from Senor Olympia Climber (Olyclimber).
  14. Nice TR Steddy. Pandome looks great! A lot better than when I was up there last year.
  15. You are correct that early season is probably best for LR. The White River trailhead is often not open until mid June or so. Thus, mid to late June is traditionally a popular time to climb the route. It's a whole different ballgame this year. I imagine this will be a bad year for rockfall related injuries on glaciated routes in general and on LR in particular.
  16. You were supposed to reply with: "Do the geese have large talons?"
  17. I heard that place is guarded by a lot of wild geese.
  18. Post hoc, ergo proctor hoc - It means "after this, therefore because of this". It's a classic logical fallacy. Those are interesting statistics, but there are a lot of other possible causes for the decrease in violent crime including more/better trained police, increased incarceration times, a better economy, etc. I support the 2nd Amendment, but I don't believe that having a gun in the house makes you safer. I believe the statistic that a family/individual with a gun in the house is XX times more likely to be injured by that gun than any intruder's gun is still true.
  19. This picture is hilarious: Captions for left to right: "I'm just mindin' my own bizniz and pourin' some wine" "A Camera! Hi Camera!" "Grrrrr... That fuckers takin' all the wine again" "DAMN! This salsa makes my face feel funny" "I'm gonna try out my sultry face. BLUE STEEL!" Nice photo TR Glacier! Thanks.
  20. Tex is talking about the accidents from last year. The route is prone to rockfall (even in supposedly "safe" spots like thumb rock), avalanches, bad weather, potentially icy conditions, and you are exposed to all of that for 5000 vertical feet. It's also a unique climb in the cascades due to it's size and consistency and a hell of a lot of fun if everything goes well. Be prepared and take a rabbit's foot with you.
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