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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Alpinfox

    Bush Budget

    1200 is about 80th percentile. Not great, but pretty good. I find it hard to believe that GWB scored that high, but I guess that was before he started sniffin' coke and drinking like a fish, so maybe. Coca-ethylene (metabolite of ethanol and cocaine) does great stuff to the brain.
  2. Alpinfox

    Bush Budget

    KK, I call bullshit. Show me the numbers. Here is what I've found: Bush: His SAT score was 1206 (566 verbal, 640 math)* His cumulative undergraduate GPA at Yale was 2.35. Kerry: Unknown Gore: Unknown *I think those SAT scores are BS because, as I remember it, the SAT is scored in units of 10, so a 566verbal score would be impossible. However, I found that 2.35 GPA number repeated in several places, so I give it some credence.
  3. bit of a drive from Seatown. "ONE OYSTER SHOOOOOOOTER!" "I caught you this delicious bass".
  4. Well, come on over to my place and I'll serve ya up some lawn clippin's and frozen tater tots with a warm Coors light. I'll make sure your water glass is dirty and stays empty. That'll be $14.75
  5. A friend of mine was just telling me last night about an Itallian place near I-5 and 45th that is open 24hrs with full menu. "Not concerned with quality of food or service"?
  6. Alpinfox

    Bush Budget

    But where will emperor Georgie get the money to invade Iran, Syria, Jordan, N.Korea, and Canada? I partly agree. We should start by cutting spending for the Department of Offense... err... DEFENSE, and homeland security. We should increase spending on research and development of things that will allow our society to continue functioning in the future and decrease our dependence on foreign oil/food imports.
  7. Alpinfox

    Bush Budget

    It should have been McCain vs. Dean, but Karl Rove is a Nazi bitch and the Dems are a bunch of spineless ass kissers.
  8. Hey Lucky, Are you in Seattle? If so, and you don't mind driving (my car is kaput), I'd be happy to head out there or Index on Wed or Thur.
  9. Alpinfox

    Bush Budget

    I feel so safe and cozy.
  10. Where is "Already_On_Top"?
  11. I second the on Precip. I've got the pants and they are NOT breathable and don't have full sidezips which pretty much means you either wear them all day or not at all. I only use them for hiking in pouring rain or through wet brush. The good thing about them is that they only weigh 7oz. I like thin Schoeller pants for climbing. I haven't often felt the need for more waterproofness on my legs than the DWR coating provides and you can't beat the breathability and functionality. If I were going to get a WPB shell jacket today, I think my first choice would be the Integral Designs eVENT Jacket . Maybe they make pants too? I dunno. BTW: NOLSE courses - 0, Retail Experience - 0.
  12. You mean being 25+yo? Or having the money? Or what? How long did you want to be down there?
  13. Alpinfox

    Senor Layton

    Happy Birthday to Michael and Bob Marley!
  14. that's the bolted offwidth thread damnit! Ooops. My clipboard has failed me once again. Fixed it.
  15. Wide mouth nalgenes are very useful. Much easier to fill when pouring from a pot (think melting snow). You can use them for huckleberry collecting. They are easier to add drink mixes to. Less convenient for drinking from, but lots of advantages over narrow-mouthed bottles. (edit: scooped by Blake). I want a hand strengthener thing. I like the BD ring.
  16. Maybe you should weigh in on some gear review threads. Might I suggest the FLEECE thread? edit: fixed the link
  17. Good story Mike. I'm glad to hear your recovery is going well.
  18. Sheik Mahmood Al Abbas makes sexy pucker lips for the camera. Yup. "Seen here, Zakmed Zakir Al Kawai, bloodthirsty madman of Basra, has a light moment while pulling back his ponytail."
  19. Yes. Yes it does. I once saw him carried across campus in a pole-chair carried by a bunch of students while he wore a crown and robe and flogged them with a whip.
  20. Are those cams on the market yet? What are they called? What does the thumb rest look like? Is it a loop like the other Trangos & new BDs?
  21. COR is at about 6500' above sea level, so it's pretty chilly right now (highs mid-30s, lows in the teens). I dunno when you were planning on going, but I don't think it's a good choice for winter. The cracks at Indian Creek are incredible (I've only sampled a small bit) but there isn't a whole lot there <5.10, so keep that in mind. The towers look cool, but I wouldn't go to Moab for cragging if you ain't up to 5.10 cracks. Johsua Tree and Red Rocks are fantastic winter climbing destinations. You can't go wrong with one of those. Have fun and post a TR when you get back!
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