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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. The air pressure keeps the down from being compressed. It's basically just like a thermarest with the foam replaced with down. BTW, I've never seen the thing in person, I'm just looking at it online. Your other criticisms (weight + price) may be valid, though consider that a ridgerest weighs 14oz and most people take two of those to AK or a ridgerest plus a thermarest (even heavier). Here is a THOUROUGH REVIEW of the item in question. Manufacturer's website
  2. OK Rudy, You wanna go climb at Index/X32 RIGHT NOW!?!? If you can drive, I can belay and flail. Let's go! It might rain/snow on us, but we'll be OUTSIDE!
  3. If Dru didn't waste so much time on this board, he might hear about important news stories LIKE THIS
  4. What is the difference between "high speed" compact flash and regular compact flash memory? Does it make any difference? I've seen 40x, 60x, and 80x cards advertised. What should I get?
  5. This acquisition would afffect Trundle Dome as well as the areas/climbs that Matt mentioned above. Here is a pic of BobbyPeru on the supercool "Piller de Cowboy Boot" on Trundle Dome. Note the sweet handcrack on the right side of the boot:
  6. I think it's time for me to upgrade my Olympus Stylus 3mp digital camera. My requirements: 5MP or greater 3X Optical or greater Small size lightweight reasonably tough and weatherproof Good image quality Good battery life (and the ability to carry extra batteries) some manual control would be cool too I haven't been looking around long, but the Sony DSC-P100 and the Canon S500 seem like good options. Thoughts?
  7. Dave, do you recognize any of your cams/biners?
  8. Mark, Right-click on the image and copy the location (in this case its "http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/503/3810SilverStarWESTFACECROUTE.jpg") . Edit your post and click on the "Image" button. A little window will pop up. Paste the location of the image into that window.
  9. You better not or I'll call your neighbor Christine Gregoir and ask her to poop on your lawn.
  10. Oh look! That little guy is round. Like the letter "O". "O" as in "Olympia".
  11. Howdy, I just changed the battery in my Suunto Vector and now the compass is off. I think I need to reset it somehow, but I can't find the manual and I haven't been able to figure it out by randomly pushing buttons. Anybody know how to do it or would be willing to recite the instructions from their manual for me?
  12. Sounds brilliant. I too would like to see pictures, but perhaps I should just go see for myself.
  13. Alpinfox

    RIP Duke

    Since it happened my feet haven't touched the ground. It's like I can still speak to Hunter beyond the grave. Like he is saying, 'Don't fuck up on this one, Ralph! Tell it like you knew it, but don't bad mouth me!! You always knew I was going to do it, so it wasn't 'if' but 'when'. It was my call, Ralph and now you will have to deal with the flood. Apres moi, Ralph- the deluge!! Did you think it was going to be an easy ride? You knew what you were doing when you bought a ticket. You were there most of the time, but towards the end you couldn't handle the heat, but you made the Role of Honor by the skin of your teeth. So long Ralph, and thanks for the laughs. And remember- The Crazy Never Die! Look after Anita'. So there we are. I always knew that one day Hunter would make that journey, but I did not know yesterday that it would be today. He told me 25 years ago that he would feel real trapped if he didn't know that he could commit suicide at any moment. I don't know if that is brave or stupid or what, but it was inevitable. I think that the truth of what rings through all his writing is that he meant what he said. If that is entertainment to you, well, that's OK. If you think that it enlightened you, well, that's even better. If you wonder if he's gone to Heaven or Hell- rest assured he will check out the both, find out which one Richard Milhaus Nixon went to- and go there. He could never stand being bored. But there must be Football too- and Peacocks. I thank everyone who has sent condolences, but spare a long thought for his wife Anita, who has had to balance their lives on a knife edge these last few years to keep them sane. She is a lovely lady. Bless her heart.... Ralph Steadman, February 22, 2005
  14. Alpinfox

    Box Wine

    Are boxed wines cheaper than Charles Shaw? $3.49/750mL? Are they mo' betta? Inquiring winos want to know. edit: OOps. I've been informed that CS wine is $2.99 at Trader Joe's, not $3.49. It still ain't $2. Lucky Californians.
  15. Imagine trying to find the little OP symbol in this mess: edit: Can anyone guess the climb I'm racked up for in the pic? Shouldn't be hard...
  16. Well, I haven't climbed it before. Hope that helps.
  17. Anybody ever see the cigarette commercial featuring Mark Twight climbing icebergs in Antarctica? I've never seen it, I just read about it in one of his books.
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