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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. The investigation is ongoing. Will update once complete. Preliminary evidence points to the involvement of sasquatches, aliens, or some combination of the two.
  2. Very sad news. I'll miss Chuck's sarcastic sense of humor, his brotherly teasing, his intelligence, and his adventurous and ready spirit. I spent one of my all-time favorite mountain climbing days with Chuck when we climbed the full North Ridge of Mt. Stuart in a day, which was his idea and turned out great. It was one of those days of alpine perfection. We didn't see another human the whole day and we flowed up the route in the glittering sunshine. I can close my eyes and recall a dozen moments from that day. Memories that I have cherished to this day, but are now a bit heavier. Thank you for that day! I will miss you my friend.
  3. Is that your hammock? How many zoots consumed on this trip?
  4. As I hobbled around the house yesterday I was pretty humbled knowing that Ulee was at crossfit. Thanks for letting me fill the creepy uncle role on this father/son outing.
  5. Tonight is the 10 year anniversary of this accident. I think of that night often and can pull up a flashbulb vision of Sam, caught briefly in my headlamp beam, pitching forward into the snowy dark whenever some random hint pokes the part of my brain where that dark cold night is stored. The three of us exchanged texts and thank yous tonight. It was a terrible night, but it has bonded us as friends forever, and for that I'm thankful.
  6. Thanks Laurel! I hope you have a great long weekend with Fred.
  7. Trip: Mount Rainier - Sunrise Date: 6/28/2015 Trip Report: Fred and I escaped the heat in Seattle yesterday. Several little spits of rain did not stop us from enjoying the mountain views and wildflowers. [img:center]http://cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/509/FredRainierSunriseHike.JPG[/img]
  8. Hey folks, Mr. Beckey would like to go to Squamish this weekend. He cannot drive anymore, so he needs a ride to/from Seattle. He can leave as early as this Wednesday and needs to be back in Seattle Monday night. He can't hike very far or fast, so you will be limited to the Smoke Bluffs or Murrin Park, etc, but he knows people up there, so you might be able to crash at someones house rather than camp out in the boondocks. If you have the patience, spending time with Fred can be a great pleasure and an honor. I know this is a longshot, but Fred is really anxious to go, so he asked me to post on here. (contact info deleted)
  9. Incredibly shocking and sad news. Chris was a wonderful guy who gave tremendous amounts of time and energy to the WA state climbing community. I first met Chris at the very first WCC meeting. I was pretty stoked to meet the guy who did the FA of Dreamer, but he was very humble and open and shared a lot of information about Darrington with me. I crossed paths with him several times climbing out there and he was always a smiling, friendly guy. He will be sorely missed.
  10. Alpinfox

    Trip Reports

    OMG is it Trask????
  11. Alpinfox


    A cc.com conspiracy?
  12. Very sad news. I met David through cascadeclimbers.com and went climbing with him at Index for just one day. He was a fantastic climber and redpointed all the pitches we climbed, while I flailed at the other end of the rope and tried to keep up. We had a great day of climbing and stopped by his family's house in Woodinville on the way back to Seattle. I felt I'd made a good friend in just one day and looked forward to him returning from his trip to Brazil so that we could climb together again. My condolences to the Trippett family. I'll miss David very much.
  13. Thought I'd provide a bit more info: Fred is interested in going either to the Revelations (incredible and remote area) or the Ruth Gorge. It will be about a two week trip. If you have the skills, time, money, and temperment, this is a hell of an opportunity to spend time with a legend in some of the most beautiful alpine terrain on earth. If you have any questions or want Fred's contact info, you can contact me. Revelations: Ruth Gorge:
  14. Trip: Red Rock with Fred Beckey - Various Date: 3/28/2012 Trip Report: Went to Red Rock with Fred Beckey and Phil for about a week in late March. Here is a slideshow I made: [video:youtube]b1VCA-bHCBo Gear Notes: Lost a yellow metolius cam. It had my email address on it. It was found and returned to me by Greg M from Portland! How cool is that? Approach Notes: I-5 through bat country on the way down. Hwy 93 (extraterrestrial hwy) through Nevada on the way back.
  15. We found a third thanks to "LowLife". Kurt, check you PMs. Red Rocks here we come!
  16. Fred Beckey and I are looking for a driving/climbing partner for a trip to Red Rocks. We're planning to leave Seattle March 20th ish and return to Seattle March 30th ish. You should be a competent climber with a patient, mellow personality. Should be a fun trip! Email me at alpinfox at yah00 dot com
  17. Dear Friends of Fred Beckey, Please plan to attend A Book Signing Event for Fred's latest book 100 FAVORITE NORTH AMERICAN CLIMBS Sponsored by Patagonia - the publisher of this incredible volume. Please join us at: The Mountaineers Clubhouse Seattle Washington Monday, January 9th 7:00 in the evening There will be refreshments and snacks. This is event is FREE. See you there!!!! Link to patagonia's info page for the book Click here to buy the book at amazon
  18. I saw this ad on craigslist. It is not my ad: LINK If you had any gear stolen recently, check it out!
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