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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. CC.com has switched over to the new formatting style that will go with the 74" monitors available this spring.
  2. That's some cool looking rock. This is a really funny picture. You really like the brush don't you.
  3. I have fingered and fondled Mr.E's dovals. I like them, but my one complaint is that it is tricky to tell which way "up" is with them. That is, which side the gate opens on. Otherwise, nice lightweight functional biner that is good for racking gear and general stuff. For biners on draws/slings, I prefer an asym biner like neutrinos, trango superflys, whatever.
  4. Who is the moderator of the yard sale forum? Why haven't these spam posts been deleted and the poster banned yet? Gimme the reins, I'll do it.
  5. I'm having the same problem as Marylou and Lucky. I don't think it's my computer since I haven't changed anything recently. I've talked to others who are also having this problem. As computer problems go, this is pretty minor though.
  6. Some of them nubbins at the UW rock are so slick they might as well be verglas. Good training. Nice trip report Slothy.
  7. That link just saved me $60,000! Thanks!
  8. Almost as cool as Torres del Paine, eh? Nice trip report.
  9. Dude, you need to work on your spelling. It's "Beeeyotch!" the number of "e"s is a personal decision and reflective of the intensity one is trying to convey, but the "o" is mandatory. Please refer to "Elements of Stizyle - Snoop Dogg".
  10. I'm all about class. Especially when it comes to trail registers.
  11. Anyone here ever used the Sandisk MP3 players? LINK
  12. Sounds easy enough. Care to give me a hand. Re: the original topic of this thread - I found me a padnah.
  13. Hey Miller, I sent you a PM. Steddy, Yes, it's true. I got a J - O - B ! It's only part-time so I could probably fix my clutch if I knew how.
  14. Yeah! I've got an idea or two. Looking for people that have a fair bit of ice experience. I'm in Seattle and my clutch is blown, so I can't drive uphill.
  15. OHMIGOD A PAGETOP OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD!!!! drytooling Looks cool NOLSe. If I was in PDX I'd come check that out with ya. Where at Rocky Butte is that?
  16. I'm not trying to trivialize your incident on the route Pax, but rockfall is hardly unique to Liberty Ridge or almost any other route on Rainier (I guess the Emmons doesnt suffer it), or in fact any steep route on a volcano (N side routes on Hood are prone to severe rockfall, for example). Even the DC can be a real shooting gallery. In my experience the rockfall can be almost entirely avoided on Lib Ridge by gaining the crest early off the Carbon, and there is little rockfall once above the gullys right above Thumb Rock, so I would not characterize this route by being particularly hazardous afa rockfall, that rock in your tent (!! ) notwithstanding. I guess when I think of routes where I think rockfall is a real issue, I think of Skyladder on Andromeda, N Face route on Athabasca, stuff like that: the barrage on these routes is pretty epic. OK. I guess I have a conception of LR being particularly dangerous because of my personal experience. BTW, we also experienced rockfall, albeit minor, from that rock band just below the black pyramid. I'm not trying to tell people not to climb LR. It is certainly not a "death route" and it has great position, exposure, views, length, and deserves its classic status, etc. I just want them to know that it's got some genuine objective hazard that is not present on a lot of the routes that people typically do prior to LR. WDietsch and MattP, thanks for correcting me on the rockfall potential on Ptarm Ridge. I'd like to do that route sometime, but I think I'll save it for a snowier year.
  17. Do you have any pictures? When I first started rock climbing in middle school (~1988) I didn't own any gear so my friend and I shared his pair of shoes. After middle school I didn't climb again until a girlfriend got me into it again (~1999) - the best thing I got out of that relationship. My first pair of shoes I ever owned were a pair of EBs I found in the attic of a house I moved into during college. I imagine I looked pretty silly climbing at the Portland Rock Gym in 1999 wearing EBs. I still own them and keep thinking about wearing them to Stone Gardens some night.
  18. Hey Snoboy, Why does the CAM DOCTOR KIT suck? Do you recommend something else?
  19. So rockfall has never been an issue Alex? I seem to recall an injury or two and maybe a death due to rockfall in recent years. And I'm pretty sure I was nearly killed by rockfall on LR, but I could be wrong. Imaginary Rock
  20. Hey Ade, I couldn't find any Washburn photos using the link you provided in that other thread (http://www.uaf.edu/library/apr/index.html). Could you give me a more specific link? Thanks.
  21. I don't think that is the one, but its close. I'll check out that gallery and see if I can find it. Thanks for that link.
  22. Howdy you Alaskans, Last summer in the library in Seward, AK I saw an aerial photo of the Ruth Gorge with Denali in the background. I really liked it and wanted to get a large print or poster of it. It was a Washburn pic, so I figured it wouldn't be too hard to find, but I have had no luck. Anyone have any advice on how to 1) figure out what picture that was? (I believe they are numbered or something?) 2) get a copy of it?? Thanks.
  23. There will likely be a LOT of rockfall on LR this year due to the melting out of previously permanently frozen stuff. If it were me, I'd fuggedaboutit and go do something else. Maybe consider Ptarmagin Ridge? I haven't done it yet, but I think it is less notorious for rockfall. If you want to go for LR, try to get some idea from MRNP when the WRC road might be open. Get in there as soon as the road opens. The carbon glacier will likely be pretty circuitous and the toe of the ridge will be pretty bare. When you get on the ridge, travel fast and early in the day or late at night. A full moon would be helpful. You might consider trying to go all the way to Lib Cap in a day to minimize time on the ridge. And wear a helmet. Good luck.
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