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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. for fuk i am. Ahahahahaha what a fun game
  2. Heh, that would be a fucking classic, IP-ban Cavey and shut out Ade and Nathan and... all those other Microsofties... Poetic justice
  3. Two miles up a popular trail my buddy and I caught up with a large group of decidedly non-outdoorsy types, slowly ambling along. We wanted to pass, fast, they wanted to chat, much. As we tip-toed past them one of them tells us very happily that they are looking for aliens. Since I'm a non-resident alien and always willing to help I told them they'd already found one - they didn't seem to get very happy though, just a little bit annoyed. Oh, and duplicating Eric and Cracked's Alpental feat is one of my prouder moments.
  4. Would be damn fine to have a tent like that for car camping
  5. Shuddup commie traitor (This is kind of like getting a pagetop, right?)
  6. There is such a thing? If cc.com goes corporate, does that make Jon an outdoor industry corporate executive?
  7. fleblebleb

    Now What?

    Well, might not want to get too out of character. Schroedinger's gerbil perhaps?
  8. fleblebleb

    Michael speaks

    That's right! Show them who's boss
  9. WERD
  10. fleblebleb


    Hahaha DPS you made me go read the snow caves thread. Flatland: "Are the snow conditions good in June?" DPS: "Uh, depends on the weather. Aaargh"
  11. Hahahaha, I would be in a sorry state if nothing I tried ever worked. How do you get any work done Dru?
  12. You need to work on your imagination
  13. What is your first action after being sentenced to pay $100 billion dollars, give or take a few billion?
  14. fleblebleb

    Dear Pope

    What are we talking about now?
  15. We attempted this route and were successful. What's the big deal? Superiority complex need some feeding, eh?
  16. What are those places? Never heard of 'em.
  17. Ya I jumped the gun
  18. Alrighty, it's Sunday night, let's start this early How about drinking somewhere novel this week, like, uh, Ballard? Boner Gardens, then Sloop!
  19. homey
  20. Hmm, I see Greg calling you on this one too. Watch out, even better deals coming up, eh?
  21. fleblebleb


  22. Are they wearing Stormtrooper uniforms under the skirts?
  23. fleblebleb


    Relax, then vote.
  24. Can't believe I couldn't figure that out on my own
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