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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. I had no intent to express any opinion whatsoever. But if you insist, we can make it my "opinion" that these Iraqis have the option of not supporting Saddam anymore. Did you see the interview with the ex-spook yesterday? He was apparently sent to Iraq to incite an uprising something like 10 years ago, now he's here but still in contact with tribal Iraqis etc. According to the interview the tribesmen intend to fight the coalition, despite hating Saddam.
  2. Was there some other thread about ticks and disease and such? What's the big deal about ticks? Find, squash, send, send, send? Eh, Specialed?
  3. Hmm, maybe I'm just ignorant. Don't ticks carry disease? My other problem is that my wife makes a beeline for the car if she so much as sees one Edit: I'm taking this to the ticks thread, if it hasn't been hashed out already...
  4. They don't have to, it's a choice - an interesting one considering where the humanitarian aid is coming from. Did you know the word terrorism has two meanings? Which one were you thinking of?
  5. How do you like the footage of hungry, irate Iraqis chanting their support to Saddam while fighting each other for water and food hand-outs?
  6. Maybe just watch Fox News, live bombing If only that Bill O'Reilly freak were on
  7. Will be too late, we're going to see a movie too. Decisions, decisions
  8. Urge you 11wth lovers to head over there right now, it's double good now because you'll not only get pumped, you'll also lose weight - all the weight the ticks can run away with that is. Actually, what are good places in Icicle/Tumwater Canyons in tick season? 8-mile rock is great, no ticks there, other suggestions? Uh, tick-free OW anyone
  9. Huh, $10 with fries. Screw dat. I'd rather go to Gustav's than climb OW though Where is Tricky, his OW TR from a few months back made me want to lean back and jack up the volume.
  10. Alrighty, Tomcat, take fern's tape measure and get behind the shed with Dru, it's time the two of you settle this.
  11. Higher or lower than of a marine?
  12. Two cool things: The climbing club at the UW has two Bibler I-tents, they're ancient, very beat up and each has been repaired multiple times (crampon holes patched, zipper replacement etc.), but still going strong. Top score for durability... And, the Nallos can be pitched double-walled, or inner only, or outer only. The inner only is ultra lightweight but keeps the bugs and the light wind and precip out. The outer can sleep something like six people or whatever, at least if it's a GT, but has no floor - works like a BD megamid in some ways. And the full thing will withstand pretty much any weather when pitched correctly (snow walls, proper guyeing w/skis and such), but that's tricky - hence the much heavier Hilleberg free-standing tents. Anyways, top score for versatility... I'd pick a Bibler for technical stuff where the small floorprint is necessary, otherwise go with the Nallo. It's a great tent.
  13. Well, spill it Where did you go? I got rained on, it was over fast and there was leftover time to ruminate.
  14. I've heard you can practice getting hypothermic, and then you can get hypothermic faster, or easier, or something like that.
  15. Vantage'll do that to you
  16. Oops, sorry, forgot - wrong thread g-dog.
  17. Or a sad, broken avatar who has given up waiting for good weather.
  18. What's going to happen to a company that sells one product of which a few of us might like, but not need, to get at most two pieces - but only for aid climbing?
  19. How about you take a page from tomcat book and become something... exactly the same! In your case you could get a bored avatar, how about that?
  20. Perhaps the bible is the best source of understanding in these troubled times?
  21. I hate threads that have comprehensible posts
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