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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. I sell Marine insurance. Not life. Good luck. Well, can't you at least make up some shit then?
  2. What exactly made you think of that when you woke up?
  3. Doesn't trask sell insurance? Where are you trask? Get in here, be useful for once!
  4. fleblebleb

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Come now Josk, although rally cars survive some serious abuse they hardly set any records in turns of the miles that are put on them?
  5. fleblebleb

    Aid Climbing 101

    Seems to be down...
  6. fleblebleb


    Man you get stuffy at times Allison, were you playing with the marmots again? Reading the gerbil thread? Knickers in a bunch? Do you have any idea how many lame bulletin boards out there are exactly like you like things to be? An awful lot. Why does this one have to be the same?
  7. Fuhgeddaboudid the tape is there to write the owner's name on. Matching tape with handwriting goes on butt to help out belayer.
  8. fleblebleb

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Funny? That's a pretty cool post.
  9. fleblebleb


    Again just as useless but a whole lot more entertaining for helvede
  10. fleblebleb


    Exactly. Similarly lop-sided
  11. fleblebleb


    Not really. They're about as useless for news and a whole lot less entertaining.
  12. fleblebleb


    Might want to change the channel trask. Otherwise how will you really know?
  13. You learned this trick from Scot'mart didn't you?
  14. I guess you were! Long time before me eh?
  15. fleblebleb


    CPB is here, alive and well, and posts under a different avatar. So is Tomcat though.
  16. fleblebleb


    Silly little Dwayner wannabe
  17. fleblebleb


    You know, I occasionally miss Crazy Polish Bob. That guy is a character, climbs hard too. Too bad with the dead baby jokes, which everybody had already heard anyway. But getting rid of Tomcat now, that's priceless.
  18. fleblebleb


    So is that the list of people that are really good at yo momma then?
  19. fleblebleb


    Hmm. I think my list starts with Tomcat and Mtngoat.
  20. fleblebleb


    Good one Nothing like a chronic headache to get you down, except maybe a chronic buttache perhaps.
  21. Thread police to sheep: Get with the program.
  22. fleblebleb


    Bite me trask. You're not foisting this fool onto the rest of the board. You're stuck with it, this is where it stays, so deal.
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