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Everything posted by fleblebleb

  1. Ya dangitt those canvas shorts are the shit, I got two pairs on a Hot Deal about a year ago and hardly wore anything else for something like 9 months. Sidebar thingy is actually useful, btw. Can't say I really *need* much help finding climbing gear for impulse buys but what the heck it can't hurt
  2. Take it easy, finding climbing partners here is really not hard. Like I said, you'll be set as soon as you meet a few people at pub club. What information do you want? Did you do that search for Amber yet?
  3. I thought that was called rope-up.
  4. fleblebleb


    You made that yourself? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHARHAR oh ow my sides are splitting that is so fucking funny I could cry Can you make one for me too? Puh-leeeze!? I'll use it for my avatar, heh
  5. Nice of you to express your views here too.
  6. Must be something wrong with the telle skiers on this site! You guys are missing out. If I had telle gear I would be all over this situation, however, I have AT gear. Dryad, if you ever switch let me know. Yes, cheating on your ski style brethren has grave consequences in these parts. You do not want to get caught with a skier wearing different gear. It's the end, simple as that. Hasta la vista back to Boston baby. Don't make that mistake. Where are the moderators anyway? Are we allowing April Fools' Thread to continue unhindered? What's this world coming to? Tele skiers with AT skiers and now this? Anyways, see you at pub club Bo-Stoner :lol:
  7. Trollerific. You're an avatar until you show up at pub club, sorry
  8. sprayin there eh flebebelebebe?? still there are many crags that fit this bill in the icicle without creating an issue. so still my point applies!! Sure, you're right, of course I walked away... but why should I have to? There were a couple of lines on the crag that I really wanted to climb, and while the mounties had a rope on them I didn't see anyone get up them without major thrashing and falling and whatnot - and most didn't get up at all. I figure if they want to meet up in large numbers like that they can go somewhere they won't be in anybody's way. Like the side of their clubhouse
  9. why would i want to climb at a crag with all .7 and belwo routes?? and if i did have the desire or the need to climb at crag such as this..i would pack up and go to another one. such an easy issue to fix. Different partners, different routes, different crags. I like 5.9-5.10 these days but not all my partners do. If the people in these groups were actually climbing I'd not mind, but mostly they're just standing around. The basic course trips are the only ones that go beyond the 12 person limit (as far as I know...) and could just as well be carried out using a ladder on the side of a building.
  10. What do you guys do when you walk into a group of ~40 mounties clogging up a whole crag with top-ropes, most of which aren't in use?
  11. What Off-White said. DITO If I want a route I drop my pack under it and get my ass on it ASAP What they said
  12. I'll help if you want, some new hardware and replacing.
  13. I'd be willing to help with replacing old bolts with new ones.
  14. "[...] On camera, the general feeling among the crowd was sorrow at losing Saddam. Off camera, the citizens of Umm Qasr and Basra appeared genuinely exhilarated at the prospect of a brighter future, after Saddam had been removed. [...]" From Arab News
  15. Nobody on this bulletin board dares admit they climb at gyms. Prolly about half of us do though, it's either that or aiding in the rain Can't help you with the Redmond VW, I go to Stone Gardens, when I'm not aiding in the rain that is...
  16. Bonobo monkeys fuck like, eh, monkeys, I mean, rabbits, all the time, with any available monkey male or female - and not only for pleasure but also resolve arguments and such. Shite, ugh, now the image of trask, Greg W and DFA arguing Bonobo style won't leave my mind. What lurid imagination I have. Perhaps if we throw the three of them in the battlecage with Necro, Tomcat and MtnGoat for good measure, then all will be peace and we can spew beta like happy little climbers?
  17. Hmm, that page doesn't mention why the tweezers are the way, but I'll buy that explanation. Where is the barf gremlin when you need it, eh? Guess it also means it's better to be fairly decisive with the tweezers. The real question - raise your hands if you carry tweezers on your Cascades rack (right next to the chainsaw )
  18. The ticks/lyme disease page is pretty good. The bacteria live in tick guts, which is why infection takes something like 36 hours.
  19. Whiny is probably a better description. McDonalds has a $1 hamburger for you. Bite me shithead. Hope you get swallowed whole by the ticks. I went to the Mexi place once or twice, that works. There is a Subway at the Chevron station. Is there a brewery somewhere not that far from Gustavs that has good beer and wurst? I heard of a decent brewery, haven't been though.
  20. Thing is, if necro weren't here to spew the anti-war material then all you aggressive pro-war types would be completely insufferable. As it is both viewpoints seem equally bogus.
  21. Now you're poaching tomcat's lines
  22. Hey, that's my line. Bugger off.
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