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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. I prefer the ski-less approach, I have been miles into the backcountry and never had a "cable" break on me. As an added bonus I don't have as much problem on snowless approaches.
  2. Nice work Crackman. Hope I can join you on your next Hood adventure.
  3. Nice pics guys, makes me think maybe I should head up there this weekend.
  4. Horsecock, snafflehounds, alpine hand jams, great beer, and Fred- Some things are meant to be savored in life. I hope Fred is around for another 80 for us to savor! The Texplorer
  5. Holy Sporto, When was the last time three women posted on the same thread on cc.com? Maybe there is a God.
  6. I don't know what they were talking about. It was a great weekend for ice climbing at Smith.
  7. S N A F F L E H O U N D = 19 14 1 6 6 12 5 8 15 21 14 4 = 125
  8. Maybe you could go on TV and sell the RONCO Neutrino, the next wave in painless home acupunture. Maybe we could even put some of the out of work climbers here to work on the infomercial or answering phones.
  9. Can you find this mag at the major bookstores or should I head to a local gear shop?
  10. and freshiez are for people who can't climb No offense to mr Ian
  11. texplorer

    Spray = ?

    Spray = political banter What ever happened to the good old bolting controversy or herb smoking in the Muir hut debates. Maybe I should go a choppin. Any of you got any overbolted routes or newly riddled crack lines?
  12. I didn't know the guy but I do know some of his routes and accomplishments. Here's to you Wiggins, I'll be making an honorary visit to the desert southwest in March.
  13. It's probably sunny and flat in Tejas but I'm back in the NW and salivating to climb. I'm lookin at Stein's Pillar, Watusi rodeo, or maybe some BC ice soon. But doesn't it say in revelations the end times are near when sportos start climbing trad.
  14. hath reason fled to brutish beasts?
  15. Yikes those avy paths look heinously scary.
  16. A friend asked me if I wanted to do the infamous Marc Twight route a couple of days ago and I was just curious if anyone here has done this route or has any beta on the route. I am kinda clueless as to what the route is about except for some pics I looked at this weekend at Senor Bourbon's. Is this in the Willis wall category of danger and committment or does it just require more technical climbing? P.S. I already know to take 20 packets of Gu and to cut the tags out of my gear to save weight.
  17. I agree Cap'n. Take this to SummitPost.com
  18. If trask actually climbed and wore a helmet what would he and any other CC.com celebs stick on their brain buckets.
  19. Flebeb, It was valley hardman, Jim Bridwell who said he only uses four knots. I also use 4 knots with rope and one with webbing.
  20. Correct choss dawg, I'm not a techie who can make my own smilies like the Caveman or have the desire to find them elsewhere like TLG
  21. Good luck Peter, I've met three of the girls from the 2003 calender. Let me tell you, the november girl is as HOT in person as she is in the calender
  22. more booze, more women, more climbing, more horsecock, not necessarily in that order OR written in graemlin more , more , more
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