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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Try that Daisy girl that posts on here or maybe Allison. I hear she's really popular.
  2. posts and pagetops stink after 3 pages -Tex
  3. quote: Originally posted by jaee: So, Tex, what you're saying is ski mountaineering isn't worth discussing here because of the ski part. I suppose you're right Have you read Lowell Skoog's trip report on the North Face of Buckner in a day? It's in the rec.climbing archives. I'd say that was a good days work. If skis suck, and walking rules, howabout putting up some cash that says you can do the North Face of Buckner from the trailhead (via Bostin Basin & Sharkfin Col) in 12.5 hrs. Sound fair? Put up or shut-up Listen up you little <50 post little snot, not to be disrespectful but I can put up some impressive chest-beats if its really necessary. I am not saying skiing isn't fun or has been a part of many impressive climbing ascents. I am just tired of reading all the cluttered freshiez crap about the fresh snow. The only snow I am interested in is if I need to bring crampons or not. Oh, and buckner is not an especially impressive mountain anyway. If your willing to put a decent sum of money on your little "achievement" I'll bet I could beat your time without skis. How's that for "putting up." Be careful what you say though, I am an accomplished endurance athelete. If you don't believe me, ask highlander.
  4. my best advice to new trad leaders is always take the number 4 snaffle. That guy seems to fit everywhere and has saved my ass a number of times.
  5. how in the hell did you guys get that the pic depicts the chimney? It looks like the west ridge to me.
  6. good point pope, I would hate to have to wipe blood off my shoes before trying to send a route. Of course when my hand is in a crack I'm "on belay".
  7. ski over climb, dru. . . . ? ? ? And here I thought you canadians were hardmen.
  8. Aren't pictures amazing when you turn the camera 45 degrees
  9. Did you forget about soloing? As far as leave no trace its even better than those unsightly TR anchors everywhere. You think I'm joking but then again maybe I'm just a young punk with not much to lose. Maybe your an old man who just can't get it up anymore
  10. I can see rock and ice now . . . . Jimmy Beyer puts up way heinous sick new line. A7+ sitstart?????? I remember that dude, he was up on el cap for weeks this spring.
  11. starting to post on this website
  12. yes virginia, there is such thing as a troll
  13. Yes, I walk off hood Ian. I might consider skinnin up to get up to the hogsback or so but that is not the point. I don't care if people ski off mountains I just think its interesting that so many people spray about the "good powder" on a climbing website. Maybe they outta start a cascadedescenders.com website or something for that.
  14. Real mountain routes are too hard to be luggin up a pair of heavy skis on your back.
  15. UIAGM is a sham to grub money and teach you how to build anchors to hold the fat clients you'll be guiding.
  16. This is a word out to all you posers who are always talkin about "freshiez". I'm fucking tired of reading about it and seeing the damn webcam of the a groomed slope. For your info this is a climbing website about climbing. Climbing has very little to do with fresh powder or going downhill on some expensive hockeysticks. Climbing is about going up on something besides a lift. So here's two big fingers to the freshiez lovers.
  17. My favs- long, free, clean trad rock routes with lots of exposure, runnouts, some spicy .10-.11 pitches and a high commitment level. OW,s and wide stuff are the shit
  18. That's because you are going sterile ryland. Studies have shown that 100% of all professional cyclists have scrotal abnormalities. Something to think about eh.. .
  19. Ahhh grasshopper. . . . .when you can split the granite with your hand it will be time for you to leave. this looks like a pic from the lands of the Kanadiuns
  20. Jens and I TR'ed Supercrack on Sat. It was a bit dirty but really fun. The bottom is really cool with some surpisingly good jams. I would recommend getting your abs and biceps in shape for that. I fell out at the OW but Jens tried several different techniques. He finally worked all the moves with some impressive lie-backing through the OW. He even conjected that maybe you lead with your right foot or something to be able to get some stacks. Dru, Matt, Peter, do any of you know how those guys did that thing? [ 10-21-2002, 08:57 PM: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  21. Still licken my wounds from Midnight rock. That place rocks.
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