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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Any of you heading to see Fred's slideshow at OSU tonight? Word has it that the Texplorer and his ropegun vixen will be attending.
  2. I climbed Sniffle Tower and almost took a 100fter when a hold broke on the last 4th class pitch. Overall a pretty shitty climb, save the 5th pitch. Outstanding view from the top however. I guess we got the pinkpoint though cause on the last tiny aid bolt someone had left some spectra cord and a biner and I used both. I am such a wanker.
  3. Thanks for the replys everyone, I'm off to do Steins pillar tommorrow but I'll start looking at that black spider. I have heard about it but only in terms of the typical "sick, death route" blah blah blah. Sounds like and interesting and maybe even doable route. I agree there is actually a ton of stuff within a days drive from here but I was just wondering about stuff more local. I have heard good things about the Wallowas.
  4. Greetings All I have the rest of March tied up but am looking for new and adventurous climbs to do in late spring. Any suggestions? Looking for things besides the usual slogs and typical rock climbs. Flame away.
  5. That McClure dude is sketchy! Nice job guys, in classic NW sufferfest style.
  6. Sometimes I get the feeling a route is taunting me. Nice TR
  7. Nice job christian. Ridge or no, its a fun route. I am interested to hear your full trip report soon. Yokum is serious but its not a "death route" by any means.
  8. The road to hell is paved with Shitty Spring Snow. Thanks for keeping the rock routes free.
  9. I'm headed to Moab for the Titan, Moses, and Indian Creek cracks
  10. Where are you guys (and 4 girls) going and what are you climbing this spring ?
  11. I personally flame TR's under another ava. . . . . . I mean I love TR's. I have been hesitant to post TR's because In am inherently a chestbeater so I have to watch myself. I actuality I like reading them and learn a great deal not only about the routes but about the people behind the TR. Few of us are as eloquent as TG but I wish eveyone would post more of em. Whether you encounter cougars or snaffles some of us really want to hear about your epics at exit 38.
  12. I think Xavier Masters sometimes visits this site.
  13. Don't let Ian see this post but the best thing for heading up to Tilly Jane or Cloudcap is skinning up the old sticks.
  14. Reminds me of a thread a few years back about dogs biting a girls ass at Smith. funny stuff.
  15. If a skier falls on a mountain, falls into a crevasse, and is lost to the world for a million years, . . . does anyone notice?
  16. If dogs can climb it, is it really mountaineering? (avy-poodles not included)
  17. I like the pics but the hand drawn route pics suck. I wandered around many a days looking for climbs. It definetly fills a need however. Someone should do a new book updated and easier to use. I also heard that Olsen is a little bit of a wacko.
  18. Yea Dulton, I would watch out for those skier/boarders such as Ian. I hear they can be cold and condescending to those of us who practice the purest forms of mountaineering. Other than that he is probably a good guy who just has been lured by the dark arts of the speed descensionists.
  19. I think you might know the crankin Mr. Fejas, ryland.
  21. christian dude, sounds like your a decent climber but they will execute you for mistyping things around here. I would also recommend the Yoakum ridge on Hood.
  22. I only have climbed the overeasy roue and have been known to poach days in the wilderness before.
  23. In the words of Homer Simpson "DDAAAAAOOOOO". Thanks B-rock.
  24. Basically when you get to a "good" hold or stance really rest up. If that means standing there for a long time while your belayer bitches at you then so be it. One thing to remember however is that there is a point of diminishing returns. If you have cranked on a series of small pockets, crimpers, etc maybe resting on an OK hold will allow some depumpification but only to a point and then you should just head on.
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