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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. I am looking for a new 'project' climb. So I was wondering what other climbs I have to check off before I can call myself a true NW Hardman. So if you had to name one route, be it alpine sufferfests, big mountain slogs, or a roadside crag pitch, what ONE climb would you say is quintessentially a route that only the hardest of the hard would or could do.
  2. Yea Jens, I don't know what it is about Portland. I wandered around for about a year looking for partners there. Beacon is a fine crag but there's hardly ever anyone there. Same experience I had at the PRG too. Everyone just wants to boulder.
  3. I thought Zilla was thought provoking and fun incorporating several different kinds of technical climbing on one route.
  4. I met Jared climbing near his hometown of Durango last spring. He seems like a pretty cool guy that can really crank down. [ 11-15-2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  5. Highlander and Caveman putting their overgrown snaffle to good use. This rare breed of snaffle was once common in the pacific NW but is very rare now. Many scientists speculate that their numbers are decreasing due to the reliance of climbers on the beasts as an emergency bivy sack when stranded in cold condtions.
  6. [ 11-15-2002, 01:12 AM: Message edited by: texplorer ]
  7. There's only room for one 'Tex' on this board! This guys nickname should be 'Wood' or something. . . Because and the original Tex -the texplorer!!!!! Eat
  8. If we weren't weird you wouldn't be visiting this site to see what the hell so-in-so is going to say next. So here's my contribution to the oddity we call CC. You can have friends with jugs and cracks, and you can climb on jugs and in cracks, but be careful when climbing on friends' jugs and in their cracks.
  9. does via ferrata mean literally -by way of iron
  10. Soloing is still soloing, but . . .Steph has little hands some 5.11's are like a perfect hand jam for her anyway. Lets see her solo a wide crack 5.11. Then I'll be impressed. Ok, if she even solos a 5.10 OW I would be impressed.
  11. Ryland, You might also think about Adams. It has a great ski off (if your into that). You might have to take one day to approach but you can ski all the way from the summit all the way out on the forrest roads.
  12. Yes, I soloed the southside last year about this time. Not another person on the entire mountain! The only down side was that just before the hog's back I got into clouds that reached all the way to the summit. You probably won't have to worry about the bergshrund so its just a long hike on snow.
  13. I have some pics to post but they are too way larger than the 150KB limit for uploading. How can I make them smaller?
  14. Damn I wish we got his show down here in Eugene. That guy knows how things should be.
  15. When I was 4 the door came open on my dad's land cruiser while we were driving about 60mph down the interstate. As I fell out I grabbed the inside door handle and was swinging out over the pavement for what seemed like forever. I felt my grip slowly giving away on the jug-like hold and all I could think about was the back tire crushing me. My dad had slowed down to about 20mph when finally lost my grip, hit the pavement and rolled for the ditch. Luckily I managed to avoid anything more serious than some big scrapes. I was most disappointed that my favorite starwars shirt was ripped and bloodstained and got thrown out. Moral of the story-Even the best jugs aren't as good as a solid crack.
  16. If you weren't at Smith you missed >11 8=Der's savoring monos and buckets.
  17. Yes, it was a great weekend. It was cool see'in all the trad boys and girls crankin down the tuft. I guess when in Rome . . . Thanks for all the support, belays, and beer everyone. Tim is an animal. I couldn't believe he was still out there crimpin on a blown pad - and sending no less. I also learned Jeff is one of those quiet crack hardmen cruising moonshine dihedral and Karate crack in fine style. Great to meet a few more faces from the CC.com world. I hope to see and climb with you all alot more. Carpe Diem
  18. Have fun on the gnar-gnar-pow-pow Freshiez fuckers
  19. So what's up? Am I goin to get to see the 'Spayin Canadian' crimp the tuft or what? Anyway, I'll be there at least one day to get spanked by the sport monkeys. (or climb wartleys)
  20. Dear fictional non-existant entity, My pathetic little carbon based life-form here on the miniscule rock in space would like you to consider placing a 6000ft (forgot the cubit translation) piece of granite with cracks of varying difficulties reaching the summit here in Oregon upon which there awaits springs flowing with TG stout and maybe even some of that LaBat crap for the canadians. Oh, and do you think you could make the back of my hands like shoe leather and while were at it give me the ability to send all the sport routes with trad gear. Oh, and can I have a little alpine hooker to call my own too. Thanks- His Holiness - the Texplorer
  21. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: Mikeadam is not one who needs people defending him, but I have to add that Mike is straight up. I find it interesting that people who are passionate about their ideals and willing to take a stand are branded "nazis". I've had people call me a nazi; that just reinforces to me they are ignorant fools who are spineless when it comes to what they believe in. Greg W Seig Heil herr W
  22. I did not start this post to diss the validity of skiing in the mountains. Whether you tele or AT they are both good means of travel for traveling up lower angle and descending slopes. Skiing for the sake of skiing is fine too. However, I am a climber. I am a climbers climber. The allure of climbing for me is the thrill of moving upward on clean rock routes, on steep ice, seeing great views, and having the feeling of being an animal just as the elk feels running in the forest. For me, climbing is when I feel most alive, most natural, and most in my element. Skiing feels unnatural to me and I am detached from the mountain. I am thankful you are not all like me however. I understand some of you may feel the same way about getting fresh esses or getting some free-heel turns down some sick icey coulouir. So be it. Do not threaten me with your pathetic speed ascents on skis. If I was into that sort of thing I am sure I could put up some sick times as well with or without skis. As it is, I climb for the experience. Sometimes that means bustin your ass climbing for 26 hours straight and sometimes that means chillin, suckin down some TG stout. You can taunt me with your fresh powder and ridicule my opinions but I know deep down I don't give a fly snaffle what you think. PS freshiez can eat my
  23. texplorer


    Nutria- These are simply Texas Snafflehounds.
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