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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Norm, I respectfully disagree with you and believe that the advantages the kenyans and ethiopians posess is genetic. I ran against those bastards in college and some of them are some sick athletes.
  2. Is this really a post about something climbing related with real and knowledgeable responses? Well, let this be the beginning of thread creep.
  3. Although I am not a worshiper of Twight I remember reading in his book saying something like if the weather's bad, stay home. By tring to get the most out of your weekend I think some people push it when they shouldn't. You know its always sad when people die in the mountains. Well, come to think of it. . it is sad where ever people die. If I ever die from an avy it is my own fault and you can quote me on it. Oh, and emphasize to the press that I am not a mountaineer or a mazama.
  4. WHAT THE F@#$ I'm going crazy too, hope the weather turns nice soon.
  5. "The group, part of the Seattle Mountaineers Club. . . "
  6. Necro, I have the thermo cerro torre boots and I really like them. They have been really light and comfortable for me. Forrest, 150 bucks at Home Depot will buy alot of quicklinks and colored electric tape for gear ID. What a score!
  7. texplorer

    Crystal Mountain

    blah blah blah skiing blah blah blah, wicked tele turns, blah blah blah FTF (fuck the freshiez)
  8. -Mini disc player- Plays forever on one AA battery and records from anything. -. . .and maybe I can call myself a sport climber now that I have pink Nalgene full of powdered hot chocolate mix.
  9. Did I mention west Texas sucks for climbing
  10. texplorer


    There is no way that you could ever possibly have a "lovely" evening with your significant other while winter camping. That only happens in the movies. I am sure the real story went something more like . . . (cheesy wavey lines effect to indicate thinking back in time) 2:00am Her: Honey I'm cold. You: Me too (as you roll over) Her: Can we just go back to the car and get a motel You: Sigh. . . . Her: Fine then! (starting in a slightly irritated tone and increasing in voracity and bitterness) If you ever want to have sex again were getting out of here. I tried, but I have been nothing but cold, wet, and scared all night. This thing is going to fall in on us at any moment and we will both die because of your stupidity. If you want to go do your "nature is my religion thing" in the woods that is fine but I never ever want to even go hiking ever again. You: Ok, hang on while I make some hot tea Her: Did you hear me! I f@#$ing said right now. (she stomps out into snow and begins getting colder while you clean up) You: Ok, everythings packed up, are you ready to go? Her: Silence You:Honey, (in a sweet voice as you put your arm around her) Her: Smack (her hand stings as it slaps your face) Result: She is scared for life, you don't get sex for weeks, and she has an act she can hold over your head for the rest of your life. For instance, you ARE coming to the ballet with me. Remember the time you made me go sleep in the ice with you. But. . you wanted to. .. NO I DIDN"T. GET YOUR JACKET ON! Moral of the story: Don't believe everything you read on CC.com
  11. Merry Christmas Necro-hope you like the gift of stars. What I want to know is when I won't be a bumblygumby anymore. I miss my old zen spraymaster status.
  12. What was that ChrisT and Muffy,. . . You think foghorn leghorn is hot?
  13. Ohhh, I lost a star cause of that one.
  14. Is that Trent Lot in the foreground of that pic trask?
  15. Or dispose of the ranger's body in one of them big crevasses.
  16. Ben, Rope slippage is normal and allows for a softer fall taking place over a longer period of time decreasing forces on the system. Though the rope usually slips in most falls it is seldom more than a few inches and not usually enough to result in burns.
  17. texplorer


    MattP, That is some of the best fiction I have read in awhile.
  18. When the ranger stops you to ask if you payed your fee just tell him a long story about how you read this post on this website posted by the guy named Dru but that he really didn't write it and that this other canadian bad ass ice climber guy wrote it and that it says climbing is a religion and so the government shouldn't be able to charge a few bucks to practice your religion and that you'll take it to the supreme court or if that doesn't work you'll take it to the supremer court and that you think that is probably what happened along time ago and that is why these cone-shaped mountains up here blow their tops every now and then.
  19. How do you decend a weighted, tight, rope efficiently with no clothes on, no gri gri, no brains, no extra rope, no brains, no beer, no passing go, no prussiks, no belay device, only one oval biner on your harness? My first guess, which works, is to use your and wrap it around the biner to make a sort of kleimheist, but that is very timely and could lead to infertility. Any other tricks out there? I am just being a dumass, no offense should be taken by Senior Simpkins or anyone else who has an affinity to be prepared for the emergency that occurs with the statistically probability of winning the lottery.
  20. texplorer


    Damn Dru, It is so hard to narrow it down. My road trip this last year was filled with so many fun days. If I had to name just one I guess it would have to be on the Steck-Salathe in Yosemite. It was right at the end of my roadtrip and so I was feeling like a honed climber and such. There were four of us and we climbed in two parties of two. At every belay we were joking and I couldn't believe the quality, position, of the route. There didn't seem to be a single bad pitch. I can still remember so many pitches on that climb. Damn, I want to go climbing!!!
  21. For the record, I was entertained by your post, Ade. Buffy, The Druids are usually thought of when talking about the solstices, equinox, etc because of the incorrect views that they were the ancient people that built stonehenge and many of the other ancient stone monuments in brittain. In reality stonehenge and many of the other stone calenders were built long before the "druids" were around. Now as for our friend Dru, well he might be immortal or something.
  22. I have caught some big whippers, aided big walls, rapped with heavy loads all without the use of gloves. For the most part I think they are kind of a luxury but not truly necessary. That being said I haven't had alot of trouble whilst belaying with my BD "puffy" gloves on cold mtn routes. You do lose some sensitivity with the "puffy" gloves however.
  23. Catbirdseat or Brian or whoever, 1)The main difference between leading trad and sport in my opinion is fear. If you are a truly competent trad leader in most situations you should be able to place gear that is sufficient to take falls upon. Yes, you are correct in always checking your gear each time you fall on it. I sometimes even place another piece while hanging just to add a bit of confidence before attempting the moves above again. Leading trad at your limit is simply learning to overcome the fear you have about your gear failing (beside learning to climb cracks). 2) Not to say that belay gloves don't work but I've held many falls and never gotten rope burn on my hands. I don't know if they are actually a necessity of climbing if correct belay technique is used and the belayer is paying attention. Sounds like you are used to pushing your limits. If you feel your trad gear placements could be better try just getting alot of practice on easier climbs with someone who can critique them. I learned an immense amount about the stability of placements whilst learning to aid this last year. Whatever your goals, remember to be safe but don't let irrational fears limit you. Carpe Diem
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