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If they were serious why not publish in a real "peer-reviewed" journal, not a crack-pot online thing for conspiracy theorists? 'nuff said.


The Journal of 9/11 Studies is a peer- crank-reviewed, online, open source pseudojournal that gives 9/11 Truthers a place to JAQ off. Some high-profile Truthers like David Ray Griffin have written articles for the journal. Ironically, in their attempt to appear "credible" and "serious," they've run a number of articles debunking the egregiously unhinged theories like Judy Wood's "space beams"[1] and stuff they've run in their own journal, like the "elephant plane" theory.[2] The journal also spawned a counter-publication debunking it called the Journal of Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories.[3]


In 2011, they ran out of "peer-reviewers" and sent out a request for someone to review two papers defending the "official" account of a plane hitting the Pentagon. The Screw Loose Change blog remarked:


“”Great, so after 10 years of cutting edge research and truthseeking they finally figured out what the rest of us knew that Tuesday morning. And they wonder why nobody takes them seriously?

—You Too Can Be A Peer Reviewer![4]


But now 9/11 conspiracy theories must be taken seriously, because, look, this research is "peer-reviewed!"


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Kev, you're pretty lucky that you've managed to rise above the official brainwashing propaganda and throw off the shackles of illusion while the rest of us continue to slumber along mindlessly under the control of the NWO and their relentless mind-control machine. I hope you know that you're special!

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Kev, you're pretty lucky that you've managed to rise above the official brainwashing propaganda and throw off the shackles of illusion while the rest of us continue to slumber along mindlessly under the control of the NWO and their relentless mind-control machine. I hope you know that you're special!


Instead on focusing on me....why not try to comment on the video. These guys are allot smarter than you and I.....please try to comment on that.

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Threads like this make me kind of sad. They remind me of those reality shows about hoarders. Bone's one of the few conspiracy junkies who has managed the eek out a relatively normal family life. It usually doesn't go down so easy for that tribe.


I witnessed a friend's home life implode primarily due to a similar affliction regarding Peak Oil. Very cool chick, too, but "she just wouldn't wake up" and suffered from "suburban sensibilities". She was devastated by the break up.


People who indulge such psychological disorders without taking any steps to mitigate their effects can do enormous damage to those around them in the name of their brain's pattern recognition gone terribly wrong.


I'm not sure baiting someone who clearly has such a disorder is any better, but Bone always fires the same first shot, to the same disdainful audience, expecting a different result, over and over and over...



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Kevbone needs some Ramtha




And yes the Dems were stupid, desperate or both to take her money. :crazy:


makes you understand why them muslim-fellers don't like visual depictions of the prophet - jesus, she looks like some-one turned the zombie michael jackson into a white-chick n' then shot her face fulla botox...still, the only difference between this loon and joe smith is...is...is...what again? poorer marketing? :)

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Good luck.






Wake up!

i wonder what john nash makes of all of this? :)


for the sake of argument, bone, if we are to accept this was all a gubiment conspiracy, does that also mean the first 1st wt attack, the kenyan embassy bombing and the uss cole were all crafty manipulations as well? is aq then just a total patsy, a true shadow-man?

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