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I dunno... I'd rather that he be seized on hearsay evidence, hooded, handcuffed, shackled in the hold of a chartered jet, whisked off to a whole different kind of "undisclosed location" and subjected to a few years of enhanced interrogation without any charges being filed or news of his whereabouts being given to his family.


'Cause he's so fond of that shizzle.

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Did Roosevelt start a war to control resources, which resulted in the death of up to 1.2 million innocents? No.


and torture had long been officially banned by the time Cheney came along for his second time around the white house. A true regressive ..

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Did Roosevelt start a war to control resources, which resulted in the death of up to 1.2 million innocents? No.


and torture had long been officially banned by the time Cheney came along for his second time around the white house. A true regressive ..


You can possibly be this dumb. Take a history class or two. Seriously. Your boy incinerated somewhere between one and two million civilians in their homes. I can't even begin to imagine what he would have done with the Bomb had he lived to use it. And did you forget about his exec order 9066? Then, of course, there were the German "saboteurs" he electrocuted after a military tribunal on American soil...


You really are a fucking moron.

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somehow, i don't quite lump Hitler's threat into the same category as Saddam...Saddam was actually [insert dripping sarcasm here] quite a bit more dangerous to our world peace than hitler or japan... :rolleyes:


fucking moron...

Edited by RuMR
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Thus the "Extraordinary Rendition." That sounds like either something out of a George Orwell novel, or a crappy band name, or both.



I suppose it's a minor detail to note that we all had a chance to vote for or against Cheney, but not Roosevelt. And some of us did, while others of us...not so much.


You only get the chance to support or fight tyranny in your own time.

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The significance of the current cover up of these lies comes into full perspective when one realizes that Bolton, Gates, Cheney, etc ...'s role in the Iran-Contra scandal had already been covered up by the Iran-Contra investigating commission (Cheney was the top Republican on the commission): Iran-Contra affair


The political career of these people should have been over more than 30 years ago.

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somehow, i don't quite lump Hitler's threat into the same category as Saddam...Saddam was actually [insert dripping sarcasm here] quite a bit more dangerous to our world peace than hitler or japan... :rolleyes:


fucking moron...


You're clueless--I wasn't talking about Germany. (The RAF bears most of the responsibility for the mass murder in Dresden) FDR wasn't burning Japan's paper and wood cities fast enough with high explosives--so he had LeMay start pouring kerosene from B-29's instead. As for your thesis, well, I don't think you even really have a clue what you're trying to say. Run along.


From the perspective of the American left, FDR's support for the National Labor Relations Act--and Social Security--nullify his absolutely horrifying tally of civilian dead, I guess. Pathetic. Yes; I believe I have this pretty much right. If you're willing to "overlook" a few million dead, then please at least have the decency to admit it before you spew the standard nonsense.

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