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question for gun lovers


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how come US team totally sucks donkey cock in biathlon? not only they can't skate worth a crap, but they can hit targets! wtf?! for a country "based" on gun ownership it's pretty lame. even Canada has a better team!of course all the trigger happy rednecks on this site can come up with a long list of excuses. just a reminder:

1.in sports second is as good as last

2. excuses are like assholes- all of them look the same and all of them stink


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I had a best friend in high school who used to race in the biathlon when AK competed in the Arctic Winter Games. My observation, and it's only that, is that the people who tended to gravitate to shooting on the match rifle team (and thus those who developed some shooting skills) weren't the sorts to be drawn toward a seriously athletic pursuit like cross-country skiing (oddly enough, my friend often won medals at that age simply because he could outshoot everyone even though he couldn't ski worth shit). Multiply this by the fact that I don't think that there are that many high schools with match shooting as an intramural sport as well as a cross-country ski program and there you have it. We simply don't have strong program in this country to develop the athletes unless they choose to do it themselves.

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'mericans would pwn the event if we could just change the rules so that they could call in bunkerbusters target coordinates from their hovering apaches instead of those puny peashooters they use.


'mericans shore don't need no sissy boogerbuster or whataya callem "co ordinates"..




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