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Considering Bellingham...


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It's been said before, but B'ham's great for alpine climbers but not so much for gym/sport climbers. If you're planning on bringing a boat be aware that Squalicum Harbor has over a one year wait and they are pretty much the only show in town for moorage. I had to moor my boat in Blaine for over a year until a slip opened up in town.


And yes, this is a strange town. Non-outdoors people bitch and whine continuously about how boring it is and how hard it is to meet people. Why the hell they move here is beyond me. I'm originally from Bellevue ('60s)/Seattle('70s) and I haven't found a better combination of salt water, alpine and access to a relatively cosmopolitan city (Vancouver) anywhere else.

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I ended up going to college at the University of Idaho, but I had a bunch of friends at WWU.


The first few good things that come to mind are: excellent magic mushroom picking, your close to a lot of good climbing, you're in the same town as Wesspur where you can load up on equipment for tree climbing*.


*Please note there is a major difference between people who claim to climb trees and folks who have enough knowledge to become arborists.

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The first year I moved to B-ham it rained 100 days straight. People were walking around like zombies. Was it the pot or the rain? I don't know, but yes-it's doom and gloom for a lot of the year.


As far as the job lead I didn't know there were good jobs to be had there. I always figured I would have to compete with thousands of trustafarians with phd's and masters degrees just for a measly espresso job.

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thats about right or you can settle for 7.16 an hr doing hard labor for some jackass, thats making 10 to 20gs a mounth.

the jobs here do kinda suck, even construction isn't paying that well/ there are alot of people out of work now. homes arn't selling building is slowed.

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Didn't Micheal Jackson wear on of these?




Yeah those are pretty styling shirts and vests. I've got some old elvex gear I stole from my previous employer, but they aren't anywhere as styling.




Please note that the kevlar chaps you see the dude wearing are pretty standard chainsaw protection that have been around for years. In fact I've been to the emergency room twice because I wasn't wearing them and I took one employee to the e room because he wasn't wearing them either.


I never saw any pictures of MJ on stage with a chain saw. In fact he doesn't deserve to say, "I'm bad," without a chain saw.


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It doesn't rain as much as Seattle :)

Rainy days are usually on the weekend :(

The food is great downtown :)

Homes are expensive :(

Females outnumber males 3/1. :)

2/3 of them are mean :(

There is some ok bouldering at Larabee and Sehome Hill :)

Sandstone gets old :(

Close to Sqaumish. :)

When you want to go to Sqaumish, it's always raining :(

Really good skiing and snowboarding :)

The runs are short :(






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Thanks for the responses all, well except for you wackos talking about tree climbing pants.


As far as jobs in Bellingham go this one seems to be a good find. It's for Port of Bellingham working at Squalicum, and the money is actually not too bad, plus good benefits I hear... so it's tempting for sure.

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