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E, don't cancel the trip just yet.


Only speaking for myself (after learning the hard way) Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor ! Chiropractor ! CHIROPRACTOR ! Chiropractor !


And thank the Lord for Jewish Chiropractors who don't feel giving up a Christmas day to bail your tired cripple ass out is a big deal (been there done that) !


JT should be doable unless you broke something.


Thanks to all Chiropractors in case I forgot to say something earlier! To Michael Blackmon now living in Israel! of all places, Thank you thank you thank you.


In response to Blackmons question "What ya doing this weekend" I said, "not moving an inch" (grunted in pain not long after my wife had put my socks on for me, and driven me to that chiropractor over my ignorant objections. Michael says, "what would you say if I told you I thought I could get you out of here mostly pain free" (I am literally in agony worse than when I fell off a roof and had my orbital socket shatter ending with some bone sticking straight out of my face) I responded by saying "I will give you every thing I own and toss in a couple of children too if you need them".


Damn if he didn't take most of the pain away that day.


What did I learn ? Please re-read the above if it escapes you.

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Are you fucking kidding me!?!?!? Going to a chiropractor is a horrible fucking idea - no offense to those in that profession. Get it checked out by an ACTUAL DOCTOR in case it is something more. I screwed up my back a few months back and they had to order an MRI. Turns out I actually had some disc damage that was causing nerve problems. I went to one of the best sports medicine guys in Colorado and got electronic nerve testing to actually isolate the real problem and determine the best course of action.


Chiropractors are a short term "solution" to what could be a real problem. If you have an actual issue that requires medical attention, a chiropractor can compound the problem and make it worse.


I know a lot of people here seem to think that doctors are just looking to get you in and out of their office ASAP but if you take the time to get yourself to a good specialist you will stand a much better chance of addressing the actual problem rather that risking hurting yourself more.



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Sorry, I should have stated, head to a MD and get it fully checked out. BUT if and when they say (which is most of the itme), just take these muscle relaxors and pain meds, TOSS THAT SH*T IN THE GARBAGE AND RUN TO A CHIROPRACTOR.




They don't fix everybody, that is correct. Those they do help, and they are legion, are die-hard converts for a reason.

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i would go see a massage theripist and see if it is musculare or skeletal. don't take the pain med the doc will give you unless you have to. narcutics suck ass.


Bob has offered to take a look at my back for me.


I have a slide out tool drawer in the back of my work truck that got stuck, and I hurt myself lifting and pushing it back in. madgo_ron.gif


No fucking insurance, aaaaarrrghhhh! frown.gif


Thanks for your ideas and support. thumbs_up.gif

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No fucking insurance, aaaaarrrghhhh! frown.gif



Dude, I've been looking into going self employed in the next year or so and insurance doesn't have to be as scary as you think if you set the deductable over $1250 or more. If I remember correctly, blue cross was around $115+ a month with coverage to $2 million.


1250,2k,3k or 4k may sound like allot until you need surgery or emergency care. Then it's a drop in the bucket.


Also, my uncle is a doc and always has made sure I know the horror stories of the piss poor treatment uninsured people get in hospitals. You are really gambling with your life w/o insurance.


You might be able to get even better rates by ivestigating abit more. I carried a blue cross policy in my 20's that was only $55 but that was a while ago.


Not trying to be preachy. Insurance costs suck... but not having insurance and proper medical care when you really need it sucks even worse.

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Bummer Eric cry.giffrown.gif


For stuff like that I'd talk to a doctor and or go see a physical therapist.


As for chiropractors




Yeah, bummer Eric frown.gif


As for Chiropractors, they can be hit and miss, and when they're bad, they really do quack. Most will crack your back, cuz that's what people expect, and collect a buck and tell you to come back next week. A good one will actually teach you how to heal yourself. I can give you a referral to one I know who's good. As far as J-Tree, getting adjusted then sitting in a car/plane/bus for several hours is not the ticket to healing. But some type of movement probably is after a day or two of rest (walking, swiming...)

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