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So I'm trying to abuse the REI return poicy.....


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So far the majority of jobs they are outsourcing are software related... not hardware (which is me)... so far. I am voting for Kerry BTW.


Regardless of whether or not it does come to that I am looking at getting my JD and doing patent law... they will pay for tuition and pay me my engineering salary to go to school. Only time will tell...

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Dude, by the time you finish that master's some guy named Punjab Rangool will be doing the job you thought you would get, in India, for $8k a year. You'll spend a couple of years post grad working throwaway part time jobs and climbing while looking for that career spot. Then one day you'll see it's a losing proposition and go to massage school, where like Polish Bob, you make your money by giving the "happy finish" to balding middle aged men.

Unless you can get a government job? hahaha.gif

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Dude, by the time you finish that master's some guy named Punjab Rangool will be doing the job you thought you would get, in India, for $8k a year. You'll spend a couple of years post grad working throwaway part time jobs and climbing while looking for that career spot. Then one day you'll see it's a losing proposition and go to massage school, where like Polish Bob, you make your money by giving the "happy finish" to balding middle aged men.

Unless you can get a government job? hahaha.gif

In which case you can spend all day spraying.... hahaha.gif
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Regardless of whether or not it does come to that I am looking at getting my JD and doing patent law... they will pay for tuition and pay me my engineering salary to go to school. Only time will tell...


Law,eh? Given your previous advisements, you'll fit the stereotype well. I suggest you minor in ethics before you get yourself in trouble teaching people how to steal.

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The reason REI still has their "satisfaction guaranteed" policy is because it makes them money.


It helps them make money by pushing people over the edge when deciding whether to buy REI stuff. Like, for example, you are thinking about buying this jacket see. It might be too small, but it might work out fine. It's difficult to tell when in the store. Happy REI serviceperson comes up and says, "If you're not sure whether it's the right size, why don't you just take it home and use if for a while? You can see if it will work for you. Then if it just doesn't work, you can just bring it back, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!"


This tactic gets a lot of merchandise out of the store, much of which does not come back.


So...with respect to the original question, if something happened like my above scenario, even if the salesperson didn't come into the equation (e.g., you were persuaded to give the weird size a try because you were aware of the option to bring the jacket back), then I say take it back, no shame.


That's why REI still offers its SG service. REI is selling this SG option. It adds value to the REI product. I don't see why you can't use it.


If you just bought it thinking you'd use it for a while then scam your money back, then maybe you should just consider for a bit how much your honor is worth to you before engaging in said scam.

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The reason REI still has their "satisfaction guaranteed" policy is because it makes them money.


It helps them make money by pushing people over the edge when deciding whether to buy REI stuff. Like, for example, you are thinking about buying this jacket see. It might be too small, but it might work out fine. It's difficult to tell when in the store. Happy REI serviceperson comes up and says, "If you're not sure whether it's the right size, why don't you just take it home and use if for a while? You can see if it will work for you. Then if it just doesn't work, you can just bring it back, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!"


This tactic gets a lot of merchandise out of the store, much of which does not come back.


So...with respect to the original question, if something happened like my above scenario, even if the salesperson didn't come into the equation (e.g., you were persuaded to give the weird size a try because you were aware of the option to bring the jacket back), then I say take it back, no shame.


That's why REI still offers its SG service. REI is selling this SG option. It adds value to the REI product. I don't see why you can't use it.


If you just bought it thinking you'd use it for a while then scam your money back, then maybe you should just consider for a bit how much your honor is worth to you before engaging in said scam.


I think this pretty well sums it up. I bought them both a little small because Lighter is better and all that. After a few times wearing each one, I realized that the mediums would have been a better fit, but wasn't in an area with REIs over the summmer. I didn't buy these in an attempt to scam. I just think it's silly that if I walked over to the REI right now and bought a small, they'd let me exchange it for a medium tomorrow, yet I can't exchange my current small for a medium, because it was on sale. This is the EXACT SAME jacket. Oh well, I guess I'll just wear the small. Reduced ounces come in handy on summer alpine excursions.

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I don't have a problem with scamming REI. Here's why-


It was a company started by climbers but look at the shit they carry these days. The majority of their business in not from climbers or for that matter "outdoor" people but the masses. So. . . when someone "rips off" REI's return policy they are sharing their debt with all the customers (soccer moms, etc) who I don't give a crap about anyway. Even this is crap because even with the return policy if I can buy something somewhere else for cheaper I will anyway. So . .. if REI raises their prices which are already at the market standard I won't shop there.


The deal on cheating REI is complicated. I personally have only taken back a few things and they were pretty ligitamite problems. However, they do know everything you have bought or returned and they know what your doing if you make returning stuff a habit. They will probably exchange the jacket or give you store credit for the amount you paid. Good luck and don't let these freaks tell you what is "right" or not. Read "the prince" too.

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I have had friends take back a ton of different items from blown out climbing shoes to used up ropes scavenged from the metolious garbage can in bend. Probably the best one though was a guy that went to China and bought some rip-off Mtn Hardware stuff and even fake REI brand stuff. He returned it all but the best part was when the lady said, "Hmmmm there is no record these "REI" pants in our computer but they have our name on them so they must be ours." I am not saying this is OK and clearly this guy went way off the deep end but it is a funny story.

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It was a company started by climbers but look at the shit they carry these days. The majority of their business in not from climbers or for that matter "outdoor" people but the masses. So. . . when someone "rips off" REI's return policy they are sharing their debt with all the customers (soccer moms, etc) who I don't give a crap about anyway. Even this is crap because even with the return policy if I can buy something somewhere else for cheaper I will anyway. So . .. if REI raises their prices which are already at the market standard I won't shop there.
What the hell kind of a fucked-up rationalization is that?? "Stealing from this store is fine because I don't identify with their clientele." What. The. Fuck. thumbs_down.gif
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I don't have a problem with scamming REI. Here's why-It was a company started by climbers but look at the shit they carry these days. The majority of their business in not from climbers or for that matter "outdoor" people but the masses. So. . . when someone "rips off" REI's return policy they are sharing their debt with all the customers (soccer moms, etc) who I don't give a crap about anyway.


Why don't you just say: ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME,ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME,ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME, ME


I have had friends take back a ton of different items from blown out climbing shoes to used up ropes scavenged from the metolious garbage can in bend. Probably the best one though was a guy that went to China and bought some rip-off Mtn Hardware stuff and even fake REI brand stuff. He returned it all but the best part was when the lady said, "Hmmmm there is no record these "REI" pants in our computer but they have our name on them so they must be ours." I am not saying this is OK and clearly this guy went way off the deep end but it is a funny story.


Your friends suck and clearly demonstrate why you can't necessarily trust a fellow climber. They ripped someone off....that is like SO funny! rolleyes.gif


Good luck and don't let these freaks tell you what is "right" or not. Read "the prince" too.


Someone ought to tell them! They aren't getting any good advice from you! Have you read "The Prince" yourself? If Machiavelli is your guide to living your daily life, you are a sad and corrupt fellow indeed.

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I don't believe in Karma and I am not going to feel any more sorry about screwing REI than I feel sorry for the record conglomerates getting ripped by "renegade" teens downloading music from the net. I mean if they really don't want to do it they can say NO. It is not like I am condoning walking out with a #3 camalot in your pants.

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Actually the big five music recording companies did say no, by filing an injunction against Napster for copyright infrindgement. They did shut down napster, and are pissed about what these peer-2-peer systems are doing to their copyright holders(artists) profits and theirs.

REI on the other hand promotes this through their policies. Obviously they are taking a leap of faith, that people won't goto foriegn countries and bring shit back to scam them....Funny story by the way the_finger.gif....But if REI keeps a policy like this, surely they know what is going to happen. The key is for only a SMALL NICHE of the market to be doing this...i.e. dirtbags like us. Sometimes it is better not to start threads like this, because now, instead of REI viewing this as a small portion of the community honestly wearing out their products quickly, or using their stuff hard, they find that they are getting taken advantage of, thus RUINING this cool thing we had going...Now you better just get your kicks in before the whole shit house goes up in flames rockband.gif

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Dude, by the time you finish that master's some guy named Punjab Rangool will be doing the job you thought you would get, in India, for $8k a year. You'll spend a couple of years post grad working throwaway part time jobs and climbing while looking for that career spot. Then one day you'll see it's a losing proposition and go to massage school, where like Polish Bob, you make your money by giving the "happy finish" to balding middle aged men.

Unless you can get a government job? hahaha.gif

In which case you can spend all day spraying.... hahaha.gif


you a government serf, paul? the_finger.gif

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